WordPress Registration Form Plugin (CMREG) - Settings - Registration Settings

Registration Settings

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To configure the registration settings of the WordPress Registration Form Plugin, navigate to Admin Dashboard → CM Registration Pro → Settings → Registration tab.

Navigation to the registration settings - WordPress Login Plugin
Navigation to the registration settings

Multi Step Registration

Note: this section with options was introduced in version 3.7.4.

The options in this section are:

  • Multi step - Choose Yes to enable the multi-step registration form.
  • Name of multi step - Here you need to define the sections of the registration form. You need to give a name for each step, and these names can be optionally displayed on the front-end. It will also be used in the form builder, where you can assign each registration field to certain form section. You need to add a name of each section on a separate line.
  • Progress bar - Choose Yes to enable the progress bar in the registration form.
  • Breadcrumbs - Choose Yes to display tabs with each section name in the registration form.
  • Navigation - Choose Yes to display navigation buttons (left and right) in the registration form.


The options in this section are:

Registration settings - WordPress Plugin User Registration
Registration settings
  • Allow user to enter his login - Allows Users to make a custom Login Username rather than automatically assigning one to them based on the email address they use (note: generates a Custom Field - read more).
  • Allow users to enter his publicly displayed name - Allows users to customize the name that displays beside their comments and posts rather than the default of displaying their email address (note: generates a Custom Field - read more).
  • Allow user to add organization - Adds the "Organization" field. By default, it's a simple text field. If Business Directory plugin is also installed, the user will be able to select it based on the business listings. Learn more
  • Require to email - The email field will be obligatory.
  • Require to repeat email - Forces the user to repeat the email. This setting is useful to prevent the user from mistakenly writing the wrong address.

    Enabling this option automatically creates the field "Repeat email" in the Registration Form. Learn more

  • Prevent sending the standard WP welcome email - Toggles whether or not registrants will receive the WordPress welcome email after signing up.
  • Disable WP registration page and redirect to this URL - Replaces the WordPress default registration page with the WordPress Plugin User Registration registration page.
  • Toast Message Time Duration [seconds] - Toast messages are non-intrusive alerts that pop up over the content. The default value is 10 seconds.

    Example from Android.
  • Enable reCAPTCHA on the registration form - Toggles the reCAPTCHA tool on or off for the Registration form to filter bots.
  • Ask for invitation code - Require/disable an invitation code or make it optional when a user registers. If the user does not have an invitation code and it is required he will not be able to register. When it is optional, you may want to use it in case the invitation code is used to assign a specific user role.
  • Hide invitation code field - Enable this option to hide invitation code field if the user uses an invitation link for registration. Learn more about invitation links in this guide: WordPress Registration Form Plugin (CMREG) - Settings - Invitation Codes. Note: this option was introduced in version 3.4.6.
  • Default role - User's role granted after the registration.
  • Terms of service acceptance text - Will be displayed next to the checkbox the user must check in order to register.
  • Auto login after registration - Logs in the user as soon as they register
  • Redirect after register to URL address - After registration, the user will redirected to this URL.


    You can use these inside the URL:

Subscribe Integrations

Note: this section with options was introduced in version 3.7.4.

The options in this section are:

  • Allow user to select subscribe checkbox - Choose Mailchimp to enable the integration.
  • Mailchimp API Key - Add here the Mailchimp API key. You can obtain it here.
  • Mailchimp List/Audience ID - Add here an Audience ID which you can find the Mailchimp dashboard.
  • Required to select subscribe checkbox - If disabled, the user will be able to choose on his own if to subscribe or not. In this case, the user will be able to change his decision in the edit user profile page. If enabled, the user must subscribe in order to register, and the option for changing it will not be displayed in the edit user profile page.
  • Subscribe checkbox text - Here you can edit the message that will be displayed to offer users to subscribe. This area accepts simple text, HTML and media files.


Learn more about the Mailchimp integration in this guide:


The options in this section are:

Password settings - User Registration WordPress
Password settings
  • Require to password - If enabled, the registration form will require a password field. If disabled, the user will not require to choose a password upon registration. Instead, he/she will receive an email with instructions to generate a password. The message can be configured from the Email Settings. Learn more: WordPress Registration Form Plugin (CMREG) - Settings - Email Notifications Settings.
  • Require to repeat password - This is a common practice in registration forms to make sure the user password was not mistyped. Once selected two password fields (original and repeat) will appear in the registration box (read more in the specific guide). The original has the Meta Key value cmregpw and the repetition, cmregpwrepeat. 
  • Require strong passwords - If this is enabled, the password must be at least 8 characters long and must contain at least one lowercase letter, one uppercase letter, and one digit.
  • Generate a password - If enabled, the registration form will automatically generate a password for a user. The user is still able to change the password to another one. Note: this option was introduced in version 3.4.6.

Email Verification


  • Using activation links forces the users to use a real email address.
  • Demanding a secondary email can be useful for parents or guardians. For instance, if a child wants to register, the parent will also receive an email with another activation link and the child's user will only be created after both parent and child clicked their links.

The options in this section are:

Email verification settings - WordPress Login Plugin
Email verification settings
  • Require email verification - Require or not require email verification for complete registration. If enabled, the user will receive an email with an activation link that must be clicked before an account is active and the user can log in. 
  • Email verification on secondary email - Adds an additional email address to the verification process, with a different activation link. The account will only be active if both activation links are clicked.
  • Meta key of the secondary email field - The "name" of the secondary email field to be added in the Registration Form. Only works if the previous setting is set to "Yes".

    Note that the secondary email field has to be added manually to the registration form. Learn how.

  • Days for verification - Customize the number of days users have to verify by email before they need to re-register. The account will be automatically removed from your site database once the amount of days has passed.
  • Page loaded after successful email verification - Specify a page on your site that loads after an email are verified. This can be a welcome or thank you page when the user verifies his email.
  • Login user after successful email verification - If enabled, the user will logged-in automatically after verifying his/her email address.

IP restrictions

You can allow or deny registrations requests from specific IP addresses. In both cases, the IPs must be separated by lines. The options in this section are:

  • Allow registration only from IP
  • Deny registration from IP
IP restrictions - WordPress Social Sign In Plugin
IP restrictions

Examples of IPs,,

S2Member Pro integration

The options in this section are:

S2Member Pro integration settings - WordPress Custom Login Form
S2Member Pro integration settings
  • Enable S2Members integration - If enabled, the invitations code can be related to the S2Members Pro membership level and new users will be assigned to the chosen level.
  • S2Member Pro default level - Assign user which is not using the invitation code to the chosen S2Members Pro membership level.

Age Verification

The options in this section are:

Age verification settings - WordPress Custom Login
Age verification settings
  • Meta key of the birth date field - Save this key, as it will make the age verification work. By default, it's cmreg_birth_date
  • Minimum allowed age - Set the minimum age. Choosing "0" will turn age verification off.

Learn more about this feature in this guide: WordPress Registration Form Plugin (CMREG) - Extra - Age Verification

More information about the WordPress Registration Form Plugin

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