WordPress Registration Form Plugin (CMREG) - Extra - Mailchimp Integration

Mailchimp Integration

Note: this feature was introduced in version 3.7.4.

The The WordPress Registration Form plugin integrates with Mailchimp, an email marketing service. The integration allows to offer users to sign up for an email subscription during the registration process, and if they subscribe, their email addresses will be automatically added to the mailing list.

Front-End Example

Subscription option in the registration form - WordPress Plugin User Registration
Subscription option in the registration form

Mailchimp API

To make the integration work, you need to connect the plugin with your Mailchimp account - you need to get its API.

To do this, login to the Mailchimp customer dashboard. Then click on your avatar at the top right and head to Account & billing → API keys.

Mailchimp dashboard - User Registration WordPress
Mailchimp dashboard

Scroll down and find the section Your API keys. In the area below, click the button Create A Key.

Creating API key - WordPress Login Plugin
Creating API key

In the appearing form, write a name for the API and click Generate Key.

Generating the API key - WordPress Custom Login Form
Generating the API key

There will appear a generated API key. You need to copy it and store in a safe place, as you will not be able to see this API key again. Then click Done.

Copying the generated API key - WordPress Custom Login
Copying the generated API key

The next thing you need in the Mailchimp dashboard is to get an ID of the mailing list you want to add registered users to. Head to Audience → All contacts → Audience name & defaults.

Navigation to the audience settings - WordPress Social Sign In Plugin
Navigation to the audience settings

There you will find the Audience ID.

Where to find an Audience ID - Social Login WordPress
Where to find an Audience ID

Plugin Settings

Now we can configure the integration in the plugin settings.

On your WordPress site, navigate to Admin Dashboard → CM Registration Pro → Settings → Registration tab.

Navigation to the plugin settings - WordPress Plugin User Registration
Navigation to the plugin settings

Scroll down and find the section Subscribe Integrations. It has the following options:

Mailchimp integration settings - User Registration WordPress
Mailchimp integration settings
  • Allow user to select subscribe checkbox - Choose Mailchimp to enable the integration.
  • Mailchimp API Key - Add here the API key which you obtained in the Mailchimp dashboard.
  • Mailchimp List/Audience ID - Add here an Audience ID which you can find the Mailchimp dashboard.
  • Required to select subscribe checkbox - If disabled, the user will be able to choose on his own if to subscribe or not. In this case, the user will be able to change his decision in the edit user profile page. If enabled, the user must subscribe in order to register, and the option for changing it will not be displayed in the edit user profile page.
  • Subscribe checkbox text - Here you can edit the message that will be displayed to offer users to subscribe. This area accepts simple text, HTML and media files.

Here's an example of how we configured the settings:

Example of the configuration - WordPress Login Plugin
Example of the configuration

After configuring the settings, click the button Save at the bottom of the page.

Saving the changes - WordPress Custom Login Form
Saving the changes

Front-End Result

Registration form:

Registration form example - WordPress Custom Login
Registration form example

Editing user profile page:

User dashboard example - WordPress Social Sign In Plugin
User dashboard example

More information about the WordPress Registration Form Plugin

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