CM Product Directory (CMPD) + Community + Payments - Use Case - Charging Users For Suggesting Products in Directory

Use Case - Charging Users For Suggesting Products in Directory

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Note: This guide covers features from:

The Product Directory Plugin is a WordPress directory plugin that allows you to create product listings. By combining the Payments add-on and Community add-on you can charge users for creating and managing their product profiles.

Use Case Front-End

Submission page:

Submission page

EDD checkout page example:

EDD checkout page example

Confirmation page example:

Confirmation page example

Quick Read: How It Works

  • Easy Digital Downloads and WooCommerce provide the platform needed to collect payments for product listings. 
  • Once a non-logged in user submits a new product, their email is saved and a password is sent once the listing is approved.
  • This process does not create a WP user associated with the listing. However, it still allows users to update their product listings information without having any access to the WP dashboard or having any other privileges related to WP users.

Use Case Assumptions

In this example use case guide, we'll cover how to charge users for suggesting and claiming products in your WordPress Product Directory website.

We consider that you have already bought the plugin and add-ons, but not installed them yet. 

This documentation follows:

Installing the Add-on

The process is the same for all CM plugins and addons.

CreativeMinds Customer Account Dashboard - Downloads tab
CreativeMinds Customer Account Dashboard
  • Download the plugin from your customer dashboard.
  • Log in to WordPress and navigate to the WordPress Admin  → Plugins settings.
  • Click on Add New.
  • Activate it and add the license.

Installing Payment Plugin (EDD or WooCommerce)

You must choose between either Easy Digital Downloads or WooCommerce.

EDD or WooCommerce? No Difference For The Plugin

As far as Product Directory Payments add-on is concerned, there is almost no difference between using either EDD or WooCommerce. 

Both payment plugins are free and provide free and paid add-ons. The only difference is that you can offer automatic renewals by using WooCommerce and its paid WooCommerce Subscriptions add-on

Head to Admin Dashboard → Plugins → Installed Plugins and click Add New

Installing new plugin
Installing new plugin

Search for either Easy Digital Downloads or WooCommerce and install it.

Searching for payment plugins for installation
Searching for payment plugins for installation

Configure Payment Plugins

Don't forget to configure the payment plugin! This way you can connect it to payment providers such as PayPal or credit card companies.


Be sure that your payment plugin has the correct Checkout and Cart pages set up. They are used by the plugin.

Configuring payment plugins
Configuring payment plugins
External Resources

Setting up a Product Directory

First, set up the product directory if you haven't done so. Since this article focuses on the payment use case, it mostly list the relevant documentation for this first step.

Checking Settings

Navigate to Admin Dashboard → CM Product Directory Pro → Settings → General tab.

Product Directory plugin general settings

Read more: CM Product Directory (CMPD) - Settings - General Settings

Adding Product

  1. Go to Admin Dashboard → CM Product Directory Pro and click Product and then click the Add Product button or simply click the Add Product menu item.

    Adding new product
  2. Fill in all fields, add Tags, Categories and Custom Taxonomy Terms. Optionally you can also add Video and Additional Links and Fields.

    Filling product profile fields
  3. When finished, click on the Publish button to save the Product.

Learn more: CM Product Directory (CMPD) - Add Product

Useful Guides

Letting Users Suggest Products

Now, allow users to suggest products. We'll also skim through this part to focus on payments.

Navigate to the Admin Dashboard → CM Product Directory Pro → Settings → Community Product tab.

Navigation to the Community Product settings

Under Moderation Settings, choose the roles who can add products.

Product Directory Community moderation settings

Setting Up Payments

Now that the product directory is set up and users can suggest products, it's time to configure payments.

1) Selecting Payment Plugin (WooCommerce / EDD)

Let's start by telling the plugin which payment platform we are using (EDD or WooCommerce). Navigate to CM Product Directory Pro → Settings → Payments tab â†’ Payment System Selection section.

Only one system can be enabled at a time. In the example below, We choose Easy Digital Downloads.

Choosing payment provider

TIP: You Need a Payment Plugin

If you don't have EDD or WooCommerce installed, you will get the notice that payment features cannot work without one of these payment plugins.

Choosing payment provider

2) Requiring Users to Pay for Adding Products

Now onto the most important settings of the use case.

Head to the Add New Product Payments section and check Require payments for adding new products. We'll talk about the two other options in a moment.

Product Directory Payments settings

Then, create a new WooCommerce/EDD product or assign the purchase with an existing product.

Creating payment products for product listings

TIP: This Defines How Much Users Will Pay to Submit Products

Technically speaking, users will buy a WooCommerce/EDD product that will grant them access.

Learn more: CM Product Directory Payments (CMPD Add-On) - Suggesting a Product

3) Requiring Users to Pay for Claiming Products

You can also charge users for claiming products. Turn on the option in the Claim Product Payments section.

Product Directory Payments settings for claiming product listings

And then set the product, like in the other payment settings.

User Perspective

Users can claim existing product listings by going to the listing page and clicking show by Claim this product.

They only need to add their name and valid email address to receive an email notification with instructions on how to pay for the listing. 


Form for claiming the product listing

The rest of the process is the same as Suggesting a Product:

  • User gets an e-mail.
  • Pays.
  • Gets another e-mail with an activation link.

Learn more: CM Product Directory Payments (CMPD Add-On) - Claiming a Product

4) Requiring Users to Pay for Renewing Products

Automatic Reminder vs Automatic Renewal

There's an important distinction. This add-on does not provide automatic renewalsWhen the subscription expires, it is not automatically renewed.

Instead, the user receives a configurable email notification.

If this feature is enabled, users must pay in order for their listing to remain visible to the public in the directory. This is also controlled by a (separate) product in EDD / WooCommerce to allow the payment.

Product Directory Payments settings for renewing product listings
Product Directory Payments settings for renewing product listings
Mark existing items as paid

Check the box and save or click the button to set all current items as paid. The payments will be required only after renewal time passes.


This will only work if the option Require payments for renewing products? was not checked earlier!

Time Settings

One huge difference is the time renewal and notification settings.

You can choose after how many days the listing will expire, requiring the user to make a new payment. Also, you can enable a notification to remind the user about the upcoming expiration.

Product Directory plugin renewal settings


After making the payment, the user receives a link to re-activate the listing or a unique activation code to paste on the product activation page.

Product re-activation

Learn more: CM Product Directory Payments (CMPD Add-On) - Renewing a Product Listing

5) Notifying Users

In each of the options above (payment for adding, renewing and claiming), there are also options to customize the email sent to products. They follow the same pattern, with some changes:

  • "Payment required" e-mail subject - Topic of the e-mail being sent after the user adds the product and it passes the moderation.
  • "Payment required" e-mail content - Content of the e-mail being sent after the user adds the product and it passes the moderation. You can use the following placeholders:
    • {product_name}
    • {purchase_link}
    • {activation_page}
  • "Payment confirmation" e-mail subject - Topic of the e-mail being sent after the user purchases the product required to add a new product.
  • "Payment confirmation" e-mail content - Content of the e-mail being sent after the user purchases the product required to add a new product. You can use the following placeholders:
    • {product_name} 
    • {code} 
    • {activation_link}
Product Directory Payments Notification settings

TIP: Limited Free Listings

In the Limited Free Listing section, you can enable exactly that - and then choose which fields will be available in these limited profiles.

Product Directory Limited Free Listing settings

User View - Suggesting and Paying

With the Product Directory Payments add-on, the user submission process is the same as in the Product Directory Community add-on.

How To Edit Form

We explain in details how to configure the submission form in the documentation CM Product Directory Community (CMPDC) - Labels

But now, when users complete the product submission form, they will see a different message than usual. The message will mention payment.


Process of suggesting paid product listings

What Happens On Submission?

You can control what will happen from the settings, section Add New Product Payments.

  • Payment before moderation - If enabled, users will be able to pay even before the admin moderates the submission.
  • Instant payment - If enabled, the user will be redirected to checkout immediately after filling the form. Requires Payment before moderation to be enabled.
Payments settings for adding new product listings

Checkout Page Example

Checkout page example

TIP: Translate Interface

The add-on has over some labels that can be translated. These can be found in Settings → Payments Labels.

It's an opportunity to change the interface to your site's language and/or style.

Admin View - Tracking Payments

The add-on offers a simple way to track every payment made.


Product tokens are fully automated, virtual items created by the add-on to keep tracking of all of the actions requiring payments.

Accessing Token Dashboard

Navigate to the Admin Dashboard → CM Product Directory Pro → Product Tokens.

Navigation to Product Tokens settings

This screen will show a table with all recorded payments, along with their attached information. 


Product Tokens dashboard
Product Tokens dashboard
  1. Token before clicking on activation link from e-mail.
  2. Token after clicking on activation link from e-mail.

Editing a Token

Clicking on the code directs you to the token edit page, where you can change its status manually. Also here values like Purchase ID, email and types can be changed.

Adding new product token

TIP: Activating and Deactivating, Changing Permissions

You can also activate or deactivate each token or edit its token type. Meaning the user will gain or lose permission to:

  • Adding - Add product
  • Claiming - Claim product
  • Pay_per_view - Access product

Learn more: CM Product Directory Payments (CMPD Add-On) - Product Tokens Dashboard

Extra - Pay-Per-View: Charging Users For Accessing Profile

When Pay-per-view is enabled, users will be asked to buy a plan when trying to access a product profile. Select the plan and click Buy Selected Plan.


Pay-per-view the product profile example


To enable this feature, head to the Payments tab → Pay-per-view section.

First, enable the option Turn on the Pay-per-view.

Enabling pay-per-view functionality

Then configure:

  • Easy Digital Downloads / WooCommerce Product Association - Select an existing EDD / WooCommerce Product which will be required to use the "Pay-per-view" functionality. Or choose the name and price and click "Create New EDD / WooCommerce Product" to automatically create and assign a new Product.
  • Pass items - Number of possible items to be displayed after purchasing a single "pass".
  • Pass days - Number of days the purchased "pass" is valid after it's activated.
Pay-per-view payment settings


Remember you can add multiple plans!

Learn more: CM Product Directory Payments (CMPD Add-On) - Pay Per View


With all steps completed, your directory will require payments before user submissions are online.

Use Case Front-End

Submission page:

Submission page

EDD checkout page example:

EDD checkout page example

Confirmation page example:

Confirmation page example

More information about the CM Product Directory WordPress Plugin

Other WordPress products can be found at CreativeMinds WordPress Store

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