WordPress Glossary Plugin (CMTG) - Use Case - How to Create Multiple Separate Glossaries On the Same Site

Use Case - How to Create Multiple Separate Glossaries On the Same Site

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Note: This guide covers features from: 


The WordPress Glossary plugin allows you to create a site with a complete glossary of terms. Each term's definition can appear on mouse hover across the whole site. 

Use Case Front-End

Creating separate glossary index pages:

Creating separate glossary index pages - WordPress Knowledge Base Plugin
Creating separate glossary index pages

Setting up different tooltip styles per category:

Setting up different tooltip styles per category - Knowledge Base WordPress Plugin
Setting up different tooltip styles per category

Use Case Assumptions

In this example use case guide we will consider how to create a few different glossaries within one site. This can be useful if your site covers different topics and requires separate glossaries for each one.

We consider that you have already bought the plugin, but not installed it yet. 

It follows:

Installing the Plugin

The process is the same for all CM plugins and add-ons.

CreativeMinds Customer Account Dashboard - Downloads tab
CreativeMinds Customer Account Dashboard
  • Download the plugin from your customer dashboard.
  • Log in to WordPress and navigate to the WordPress Admin → Plugins settings.
  • Click on Add New.
  • Activate it and add the license.

Learn more: Getting Started - Installation And First Steps

Quick Recap

In this use case we will cover only how to have a few separate glossaries on the same site. If you want to learn the basics of using the plugin, please check this use case guide first:

Creating Categories

Different glossaries will be based on different categories. So, first thing we need to do is to create categories. Navigate to Admin Dashboard → CM Tooltip Glossary → Categories.

Navigation to the Categories dashboard - Glossary Plugin WordPress
Navigation to the Categories dashboard

On the left side you can see a form for adding new categories, and on the right side a table which shows existing categories (it's empty now). To create a new category it's enough to fill the Name field and click Add New Category. Optionally, you can define the category description and override the tooltip style settings.

Dashboard for managing categories - Tooltip Plugin WordPress
Dashboard for managing categories

So let's create a few categories:

Examples of created categories - Tooltip WordPress Plugin
Examples of created categories

Creating Separate Index Pages

Now we need to create 3 separate index pages per each category.

For that, we need to use a shortcode [glossary] with the parameter "cat" that allows to display terms from the specific category. The parameter "cat" accepts the category slug.


[glossary cat="marketing"]


You can display multiple categories by just separating them with comma. Example:

[glossary cat="category_1,category_2,category_3"]

So let's create 3 pages with shortcodes that should display relevant categories:

Adding shortcode - Wiki Plugin for WordPress
Adding shortcode

Now we have 3 pages and we are going to use each of them as an index page for a relevant glossary topic. And we need to define each this page as a backlink for relevant glossary categories.

Examples of created glossary index pages - Wiki for WordPress
Examples of created glossary index pages

To do this, get back to the Categories dashboard:

Navigation to the Categories dashboard - Wiki WordPress Plugin
Navigation to the Categories dashboard

Hover on the category and click Edit:

Editing category - WordPress as a Wiki
Editing category

There's a field Taxonomy Index Link where you can place a link to the category index page. This will support the back to index links found in the term page. So terms related to a specific category will point to the category index page instead of the general index page which includes all terms from all categories:

Specifying backlink - WordPress Internal Linking Plugin
Specifying backlink

Save the changes by clicking the button Update at the bottom:

Saving the changes - WordPress Knowledge Base Plugin
Saving the changes


You can find the link to the page while creating or editing it:

How to find a page URL - Knowledge Base WordPress Plugin
How to find a page URL

The same way we need to specify backlinks for other categories.

Disabling Main Index Page

As we have separate index pages for each category, we need to disable the main index page that shows all glossary terms (if this page is enabled).

Head to Admin Dashboard → CM Tooltip Glossary → Settings → General Settings tab and find the option Glossary Index Page ID.

General settings - Glossary Plugin WordPress
General settings

Just choose -None- in the dropdown and save the settings.

Disabling main glossary index page - Tooltip Plugin WordPress
Disabling main glossary index page

Disabling Categories Filter

One more thing you need to do in the plugin settings is to disable the categories filter.

In the plugin settings, head to the Glossary Index Page tab.

Glossary index page settings - Tooltip WordPress Plugin
Glossary index page settings

Find the section Search, Categories & Tags and disable the option Hide the Categories on the Glossary Index page, then save the settings.

Disabling categories filters - Wiki Plugin for WordPress
Disabling categories filters

This way, users will not see filters on the index pages that allows switching between glossary categories.


As an alternative to global plugin settings, you can disable category filter for specific glossary page using a shortcode parameter hide_categories. Set "1" to hide filters, or "0" to enable.


[glossary cat="marketing" hide_categories="1"]

Associating Terms With Relevant Categories

Now we need to assign our terms to created categories. To do this, navigate to Admin Dashboard → CM Tooltip Glossary → Glossary.

Navigation to the Glossary dashboard - Wiki for WordPress
Navigation to the Glossary dashboard

We have here a set of terms which we created in advance.

Managing glossary terms - Wiki WordPress Plugin
Managing glossary terms

You can assign terms to categoris in two ways.

First, just hover on the needed term and click Edit. On the term editing page, find the metabox Tooltip Categories and select needed categories, then save the changes.

Selecting category for a term - WordPress as a Wiki
Selecting category for a term

Another way, you can select one or multiple terms, then choose Edit in the dropdown for bulk action, and click Apply:

Editing terms in bulk - WordPress Internal Linking Plugin
Editing terms in bulk

There you can choose the needed categories and click Update.

Selecting category for multiple terms - WordPress Knowledge Base Plugin
Selecting category for multiple terms

The same way we can categorize all our terms:

Result - Knowledge Base WordPress Plugin

Different Glossary Index Pages - Front-end Example

Now we have 3 different pages with 3 different glossaries:

Examples of created glossary index pages - Glossary Plugin WordPress
Examples of created glossary index pages

Use Black and Whitelist

One more useful feature allows you to exclude or only show the terms from a given category on the page or post.

To achieve this, start editing needed post or page and find the metabox CM Tooltip - Filter Cats. There you can select some categories and decide if to blacklist or whitelist them.

Metabox for filtering categories - Tooltip Plugin WordPress
Metabox for filtering categories

Here's an example of the article that contains terms from all 3 categories that we have. Pay attention to the marked terms - they belong to the category "Analytics" which we are going to blacklist, then whitelist.

Example before using black and whitelist - Tooltip WordPress Plugin
Example before using black and whitelist

On the back-end, let's select the "Analytics" category and choose to Blacklist it:

Blacklisting a category - Wiki Plugin for WordPress
Blacklisting a category

As a result, terms from 2 other categories are highlighted, while terms from the "Analytics" category are ignored:

Front-end result - Wiki for WordPress
Front-end result

Now vice versa: we choose to Whitelist the "Analytics" category.

Whitelisting a category - Wiki WordPress Plugin
Whitelisting a category

Now only terms from the selected category are highlighted, while terms from other categories are ignored:

Front-end result - WordPress as a Wiki
Front-end result

Category Style

There is a set of options you can use while creating/editing a category, which allow you to override global plugin settings and configure its style and behavior. This way you can diversify tooltip appearance for each category and it will help your site visitors to easily distinguish terms from different categories. The options are:

Tooltip style settings for category - WordPress Internal Linking Plugin
Tooltip style settings for category
  • Disable tooltips - Check it, if you want to disable displaying tooltips for terms of a certain category.
  • Tooltip background color - Choose custom background color for a tooltip.
  • Tooltip title background color - Choose custom background color for a tooltip title.
  • Tooltip width - Define a custom width for a tooltip.
  • Tooltip height - Define a custom height for a tooltip.
  • Tooltip text color - Choose custom text color inside of a tooltip.
  • Tooltip text font-size - Define the custom size of the text inside of a tooltip.
  • Tooltip reset custom styles to default - Check it, if you want to reset custom styles to default (according to global plugin settings). Changes will be applied after updating the category.

Front-end Example:

Displaying tooltips for terms from differect categories:

Front-end result - WordPress Glossary Plugin
Front-end result

End Result

Following instructions found in the plugin and guides you should be able to create a few different glossaries within one site.

Use Case Front-End

Creating separate glossary index pages:

Creating separate glossary index pages - WordPress Knowledge Base Plugin
Creating separate glossary index pages

Setting up different tooltip styles per category:

Setting up different tooltip styles per category - Knowledge Base WordPress Plugin
Setting up different tooltip styles per category

More information about the WordPress Glossary Plugin

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