WordPress Glossary Plugin (CMTG) - Getting Started - Glossary Index

Glossary Index

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The Glossary Index Page is automatically created upon the WordPress Glossary plugin installation. It's a normal page with the shortcode [glossary] , which outputs a div containing a set of filters and the list of all your terms in an alphabetical order.

Example of the glossary index page - WordPress Knowledge Base Plugin
Example of the glossary index page

As you add more terms, the Glossary Index Page will be automatically updated to present all of your glossary items.

TIP: Shortcut

You can easily find and edit the glossary page by going to Admin Dashboard → CM Tooltip Glossary → Settings.

Link to the glossary index page - Knowledge Base WordPress Plugin
Link to the glossary index page

Warning: The free version of the Glossary plugin has a limit to show only 500 terms in the Index Page (performance reasons). In all Pro editions, this limitation has been lifted.

Setting Up Your Main Glossary Index Page

When your first set up your preferences in the plugin settings, you can manually select an existing page from your site, which will be dedicated to the glossary index, or easily generate a new one.

Below: The setting to choose the main Glossary Index Page ID is the first setting of the General Settings tab of the plugin:

General plugin settings - Glossary Plugin WordPress
General plugin settings

This option allows you to do three things:

  • Select one of the existing pages from the dropdown menu.
  • Select 'None' from the dropdown menu (no Glossary Index Page).
    • Please note that having an index page is optional. If you choose not to have a glossary terms index page on your site, terms will still be highlighted as a mouse-over tooltip in the relevant posts and pages.
  • Generate a page and automatically set it as the Glossary Index page (after checking the checkbox and Saving Changes).

Defining the index page’s permalink and name

Glossary Terms Permalink is the part of the URL for glossary terms, but usually it's also the url of the Glossary Index Page.

Below: The setting for the Glossary Terms Permalink is located on the General Settings tab.

Changing the glossary permalink - Tooltip WordPress Plugin
Changing the glossary permalink

Below: An example of how the default permalink of the page containing the Glossary Index can look like:

Example of the glossary permalink - Tooltip WordPress Plugin
Example of the glossary permalink

You can learn more about setting it up on the Glossary Terms Permalink User Guide page.

More than one Glossary Index Page

Even though you can only setup one "main" Glossary Index page, it is possible to have more than one glossary index, by using glossary categories.

The best way to add more Glossaries, is to split the terms between the multiple categories, example:

  • Medicine - with slug "medicine"
  • Architecture - with slug "architecture"

Then for each of these categories, you should create a separate page/post containing the shortcode with category parameter:

  • [glossary cat="medicine"] - to display the Medicine terms
  • [glossary cat="architecture"] - to display the Architecture terms

Learn more about shortcodes.

Warning: Please note that you need to use the category slug not the name!


The remaining majority of the settings for the Glossary Index Page are located on the Glossary Index Page tab.

Glossary index page settings - Wiki Plugin for WordPress
Glossary index page settings

Glossary Index Style Templates 

The Pro editions have several available style templates for the index page. While the Pro edition has 3 available templates, the Pro+ and Ecommerce have more options.

Glossary index style templates - Wiki for WordPress
Glossary index style templates

Depending on which version of the plugin you are using, you can show the terms with or without their definition.

In the Definition settings area, you can select whether to show the definition or the excerpt. You can also limit the length of the text, and remove HTML and shortcodes from the content. Note: This section is available in Pro+ and Ecommerce versions only.

Definition settings - Wiki WordPress Plugin
Definition settings

Setting up a Glossary Index Page with the Image Tiles View

To set up the index view to display featured images, follow the instructions in the video below:

Removing the Tooltip from the Glossary Index 

If you want to remove the tooltip from the Glossary Index Page, this is not controllable from the plugin settings. 

Instead, you need to edit the page where the glossary index appears. 

Below: One of the easiest ways of getting to the Glossary Index edit page is by clicking the (edit) link marked with the arrow.

Edit link - WordPress as a Wiki
Edit link

While editing the page, choose in the glossary metabox  "Don't show the tooltip on this page":

Disabling tooltips on the glossary index page - WordPress Internal Linking Plugin
Disabling tooltips on the glossary index page

Additional settings

The plugins Glossary Index Page also includes options for social sharing and for showing a search form. Learn more WordPress Glossary Plugin (CMTG) - Extras - Social Share Buttons

Under the headline Alphabetic index, you can choose to hide letters from the index if there are no matching terms. You can also customize your alphabet and show or hide numbers. Learn more: WordPress Glossary Plugin (CMTG) - Index - The Alphabetic Index


To learn more about the pagination of the Glossary Index Page, please visit the Index Pagination page.

More information about the WordPress Glossary Plugin

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