WordPress Telegram Bot - Rules - Email Triggers

Email Triggers

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What This Rule Does

The WordPress Telegram Bot allows you to automatically post messages to a Telegram group that you have sent to yourself via email. To use this feature, you need to specify the corresponding email address in the rule settings. You can configure a series of filters, explained below.

Note: this feature was introduced in version 1.1.0 of the WordPress Telegram Bot plugin.

Email Trigger Example:

Front-end Example - WordPress Telegram Plugin
Front-end Example

Setting Up a Rule

Creating an Email Trigger rule - Telegram WordPress Widget
Creating an Email Trigger rule
  • IMAP Server URL - Add here the relevant IMAP Server URL. Examples for Google and Yahoo:
    • {imap.gmail.com:993/imap/ssl/novalidate-cert}INBOX
    • {imap.mail.yahoo.com:993/imap/ssl/novalidate-cert}INBOX
  • IMAP Login - Enter here the IMAP login. It should be the part of your email that goes before @.
  • IMAP Password - Enter her and IMAP password. Learn more how to set up a password:
  • Test Connection - Click this button to check if the configuration is correct. Have a note that after you created a rule, you need to save the changes first, before testing the connection.
  • Sender email - Add here the sender email which messages are supposed to be replicated to the telegram group.
  • By message subject - The rule will trigger only if the email subject contains the text defined in this field.
  • By message text - The rule will trigger only if the email body contains the text defined in this field.
  • Telegram Group ID - Define here the group ID where the email message should be posted. The group ID must follow the format "-xxxxxxxx" (the character "-" followed by nine numerals). You can acquire the ID by sending the text /getGroupId in the group chat or by checking the plugin log.
  • Message Formatting (optional) - Prepare a template of how to display the email message in the telegram group. Supports the following placeholders:
    • {subject} - Email subject.
    • {text} - Email body.

      You can also format text using HTML style - Learn more.

IMAP Cron Settings

Sending the email message to the Telegram bot does not happen immediately. It depends on the cron event - how often it checks the sent emails. You can define how often it will happen. To configure it, navigate to Admin Dashboard → CM Telegram Bot → Settings → API Settings tab.

Navigation to the general plugin settings - Telegram Plugin for WordPress
Navigation to the general plugin settings

Find the section IMAP Cron Settings. There's an option that allows you to define how often the plugin should check for new mails.

Changing IMAP Cron time - Telegram Group Bot Manager
Changing IMAP Cron time

More information about the WordPress Telegram Bot plugin

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