WordPress Telegram Bot - Rules - Keyboard Buttons

Keyboard Buttons

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What This Rule Does

The WordPress Telegram Bot allows you to add keyboard buttons to telegram groups where your bot is set as an admin.

Note: this feature was introduced in version 1.1.0 of the WordPress Telegram Bot plugin.

Inline Keyboard Buttons Example:

Front-end example - Telegram Bot Plugin for WordPress
Front-end example

Custom Keyboard Buttons Example:

Front-end example - WordPress Telegram Plugin
Front-end example

Setting Up Keyboard Buttons

At the top of the form you can find the following settings:

Creating Keyboard Buttons rule - Telegram WordPress Widget
Creating Keyboard Buttons rule
  • Repeater Name - Specify the repeater name.
  • Status - Set the rule as active or paused.
  • Command - Set the word that should trigger keyboard buttons. The command should start with slash - "/". The user will have to ty[e the command with slash also, for example: /hello.
  • Output Text - Specify text that will be displayed above keyboard buttons.
  • Button Type - There're two types of button type, and the following settings depend on the choice. You can choose between:
    • Inline Keyboard
    • Custom Keyboard

Inline Keyboard

If Inline Keyboard button type is chosen, you can see 9 sets with the same options under the Buttons section:

Inline Keyboard settings - Telegram Plugin for WordPress
Inline Keyboard settings
  • Label X - Define text which will be displayed in the button.
  • Action X - Choose the action type:
    • Text
    • URL
    • Shortcode
    • Callback (this feature was introduced in version 1.1.2. Learn more)
  • Content X - Add the content which is relevant for the chosen button Action.

Custom Keyboard

If Custom Keyboard button type is chosen, you can see the following options:

Custom Keyboard settings - Telegram Group Bot Manager
Custom Keyboard settings
  • One Time Keyboard - If enabled, the keyboard will be shown only one time. To see the keyboard again, the user has to type the command again. Note: this option was intrduced in version 1.1.1.
  • Resize Keyboard - Choose if you want to resize the buttons:
    • True

      Front-end example - Telegram Bot Plugin for WordPress
      Front-end example
    • False

      Front-end example - WordPress Telegram Plugin
      Front-end example
  • Is Persistent - Ensures the keyboard remains on the screen until the user explicitly closes it.
    • True - On the mobile device the keyboard will be displayed all the time:

      Front-end example - Telegram WordPress Widget
      Front-end example
    • False - On the mobile device the keyboard can be displayed or hidden by using the button:

      Front-end example - Telegram Plugin for WordPress
      Front-end example
  • Buttons - There are 6 labels which you can edit to give names to buttons.

More information about the WordPress Telegram Bot plugin

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