WordPress Telegram Bot - Rules - Menu Button & Commands

Menu Button & Commands

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What This Rule Does

The WordPress Telegram Bot allows you to define a menu button and commands for your telegram bot.

Note: this feature was introduced in version 1.1.0 of the WordPress Telegram Bot plugin.

Commands Button Type Example:

Front-end example - Telegram Group Bot Manager
Front-end example

Web App Button Type Example:

Front-end example - Telegram Bot Plugin for WordPress
Front-end example

Setting Up

Creating Menu Button & Commands rule - WordPress Telegram Plugin
Creating Menu Button & Commands rule
  • Button Type - Choose between:
    • Commands - The commands list will be available under the "Menu" button or by typing "/".
    • Web App - The commands list will be available by typing "/". The menu button can be renamed and clicking on it will open a web page.
      • Menu Name - Define a name for the menu button.
      • Menu URL - Define a URL that will open when clicking on the menu button.
  • Status - Set the rule as active or paused.
  • Menu Items (Commands) - There are 9 couples of options:
    • Command X - Define the command that starts with "/". The user will be able to launch the relevant command by typing "/" and the name of the command.
    • Description X - Define the description of the command. It will be shown next to the command name in the list of commands.

More information about the WordPress Telegram Bot plugin

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