WordPress Telegram Bot - Rules - Callbacks


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What This Rule Does

The WordPress Telegram Bot allows you to define callbacks for your telegram bot. Callback is a mechanism used in Telegram bots to handle interactive elements such as inline keyboards.

Note: this feature was introduced in version 1.1.2 of the WordPress Telegram Bot plugin.

Example of using callbacks in inline keyboard:

Example of using callbacks in inline keyboard - WordPress Telegram Plugin
Example of using callbacks in inline keyboard

Setting Up

Form for creating a callback - Telegram WordPress Widget
Form for creating a callback
  • Callback Name - Add a callback name. The name should be without spaces. The name can contain underscore "_", for example: "callback_1" or "callback_abc" etc. The callback name should be unique.
  • Callback Code - Place here code or a shortcode.

You can create multiple callbacks and then use them in the Inline Keyboard.


Let's create two callbacks which apply the shortcode from a third-party plugin:

  • enable_map_api - This callback will enable the Map API.
  • disable_map_api - This callback will disable the Map API.
Examples of callbacks - Telegram Plugin for WordPress
Examples of callbacks

Now let's head to the Keyboard Buttons tab.

Navigation to the Keyboard Buttons tab - Telegram Group Bot Manager
Navigation to the Keyboard Buttons tab

Let's create an Inline Keyboard with 2 buttons.


Learn more about creating and configuring Keyboard Buttons in this guide: WordPress Telegram Bot - Rules - Keyboard Buttons

For each button here you need to define the following:

  • Label - Define the text that will be displayed in the button.
  • Action - Choose the action type. A few options are available, you need to choose here Callback.
  • Content - Add here the Callback name which you define in another tab.
Adding callback buttons to the inline keyboard - Telegram Bot Plugin for WordPress
Adding callback buttons to the inline keyboard

Result in Telegram:

Example of using callbacks in inline keyboard - WordPress Telegram Bot
Example of using callbacks in inline keyboard

More information about the WordPress Telegram Bot plugin

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