WordPress Video Lessons Manager Plugin (CMVLM) - Settings - General (Navigation, Vimeo API, Cache, Access, Restrictions)

General Settings

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To find WordPress Video Lessons Manager plugin settings, navigate to CM Video Lesson Manager Settings General tab.

Navigation to the plugin settings - WordPress Video Course Plugin
Navigation to the plugin settings


Navigation settings - Online Course WordPress Plugin
Navigation settings
  • Permalink prefix - Defines the URL permalink all videos will be listed under.

    Example of the permalink prefix - WordPress LMS Plugin
    Example of the permalink prefix
  • Lesson permalink part - Defines the URL permalink format for lessons.

    Example of the lesson permalink part - WordPress Video Lessons Plugin
    Example of the lesson permalink part
  • Bookmarks page - Select from the drop down menu to create a new page or display the bookmarks on a certain page. The plugin will create a page if you choose the "-- create new page --" option inserting the needed shortcode inside this page.
  • Courses page - Select the page that will display all courses. You can either create your own page using the shortcode [cmvl-courses-list] or it can be created automatically by choosing "-- create new page --" option in the dropdown. Note: this option was introduced in version 3.5.9.
  • Your Courses page - Select the page that will display all User's courses. You can either create your own page using the shortcode [cmvl-courses-list] or it can be created automatically by choosing "-- create new page --" option in the dropdown. Note: this option was introduced in version 3.5.9.
  • Statistics page - Select from the drop down menu to display the statistics on a certain page or to create a new page for this. The plugin will create a page if you choose the "-- create new page --" option and also insert the needed shortcode inside this page.
  • Resume when watching video - This setting applies to all videos.

Vimeo / Wistia API

To obtain API keys for Vimeo or Wistia see our article for this.

Vimeo API Account 1 / 2

Vimeo API settings - LMS in WordPress
Vimeo API settings

Once the Vimeo API keys have been obtained (for more info on gaining API keys see the documentation page) please add them in the following locations:

  • App Client Identifier - Use the Vimeo App to obtain the client identifier, and enter it in the provided box.
  • App Client Secret - Use the Vimeo App to obtain the client secret and enter it in the provided box.
  • Access token - Enter the access token in the box provided.
  • Cache lifetime for Vimeo API - Set the number of seconds to cache results of the Vimeo API in the box.
  • Cache lifetime for Vimeo API privacy checks - Enter the number of seconds to cache the results of the Vimeo API requests which are checking the privacy settings. This is important to often check the privacy settings in order to add the current website to the video domains' whitelist. Caching will increase the load times. Set 0 to disable.

Wistia API

Wistia API settings - WordPress eLearning Plugin
Wistia API settings
  • API token - Enter here API token for Wistia account.

HubSpot API

Note: this section with options was introduced in version 3.8.1.

The plugin supports integration with HubSpot. When the user finishes watching some video or a lesson (or some certain percantage of it), the plugin sends to HubSpot the following information: name of the watched video/lesson, date when it was watched, and an email address of a user who watched it.

The option for this integration are:

HubSpot API settings - WordPress Learning Management System Plugin
HubSpot API settings
  • Access Token - Enter here the HubSpot private app access token. Learn more about how to create Access Token.
  • Event fire after watching x% video - Define how much % of the video should user watch to trigger the event in HubSpot.

How Events In HubSpot Are Triggered?

You need to create properties in HubSpot, and then add Property Internal Name to the needed lesson or video. Learn more about how to Create and Edit Properties.

Example of the Property Internal Name
Example of the Property Internal Name

While editing a video or a lesson, you can find a metabox HubSpot. You need to add a Property Internal Name to the field in this metabox, then save the settings.

Metabox for entering Property Internal Name - WordPress Video Courses
Metabox for entering Property Internal Name


Access settings - WordPress Video Lessons Manager Plugin
Access settings
  • Who can watch videos - Toggles whether or not site visitors must be logged in to watch videos.
  • Disable lesson page - You can disable the lessons' pages and then you'll be able to use only the playlist shortcodes.
  • Login page URL - Enter the URL of the page which non logged-in users will be redirected to after attempt to access the page which has access restriction. Example of the URL: https://your-site.com/login/

    Note: this option was introduced in version 3.5.9.

  • Unlock private videos - Use this button to add your domain name to the whitelist of each private video. Warning: this can exceed your Vimeo API limits. To do this manually in Vimeo - go to a Specific video → Settings → Privacy → Where can this video be embedded? → Only on sites I choose.
  • Reload lesson page after subscription expires - Immediately checks if the subscription is still active and reload the lesson when it expires or if the user has been logged-out to disallow further watching lesson.
  • Roles allowed to access the front-end progress report - The selected roles will have full access to the progress report created with the shortcode [cmvl-progress-report]. If roles not selected, then progress report visible to all logged in users.

S2Member Pro integration

S2Member integration settings - WordPress Video Course Plugin
S2Member integration settings
  • Enable s2Member integration - enables or disables s2Member integration.
  • Enable for all user roles - enables or disables integration for all user roles.
  • Allow particular user roles - allows selecting certain user roles. To choose user roles, you need to disable the option Enable for all user roles.
  • Enable all courses - enables or disables all courses. 
  • Allow particular video courses - allows showing particular video courses available in the list. To choose videos, you need to disable the option Enable all videos.
  • Allow view time (in hours) - makes videos available within a particular period of time. 24 hours are set by default.


Statistics settings - Online Course WordPress Plugin
Statistics settings
  • Track date and time - Logs into the database the date and time every time a user watches part of a video If disabled, only aggregated data will be stored.

    This setting affects the admin report. Learn more: WordPress Video Lessons Manager Plugin (CMVLM) - Admin - Report (Admin Panel)

  • Save the current progress each N [seconds] -  The time, in seconds, in which plugin will save the current video progress. 
  • Delete all statistics - Click this button to remove all website statistics. Note: this option was introduced in version 3.5.6.


This feature was introduced in version 2.9.7. Learn more in the  specific guide.

Restrictions settings - WordPress LMS Plugin
Restrictions settings
  • Restrict video by - Choose how to treat video restriction: 
    • Global - One rule for all videos
    • Lesson - Each lesson has a rule
  • Restrict video time per user - This feature will only have effect if Global was chosen in the previous setting. Choose the amount of minutes each user will have to watch before the videos get restricted.
  • Reset restrict video time - Resets the restrict video time for all users.
  • Enable video sequence - If enabled, the user will be able to view next video only when the previous one is completely viewed. You can define how much time in percentage the user should watch the video to unlock next video for every lesson while it's creating editing (learn more about it). Note: this option was introduced in version 3.5.8.
  • Enable videos mark as complete button - If enabled, the user will be able to manually mark videos as completed to unlock next video. Important: this option works only if using the List videos layout on the Courses page or Your Courses page. Note: this option was introduced in version 3.5.9.


    Example 1:

    1. The last unlocked video has the label In Progress until it's completed.
    2. The user can manually mark the video as completed to unlock next video.

      Example of the uncompleted video - WordPress Video Lessons Plugin
      Example of the uncompleted video

    Example 2:

    1. The video that was marked as completed now has the label Complete.
    2. The video that was marked as completed is crossed out in the list now.
    3. Next video is unlocked and has a label New in the list.

      Example of the completed video - LMS in WordPress
      Example of the completed video

    Note: you can change the labels in the plugin settings. Learn more about it in this guide: WordPress Video Lessons Manager Plugin (CMVLM) - Settings - Labels

    Pop-Up Message

    Since the version 3.6.1, if the user hasn't watched enough percentage of a current video, he won't be able to complete this video manually to unlock the next one. A pop-up message will appear instead. You can edit this message in the Labels tab.

    Demanding to finish watching the video to be able to mark it as completed - WordPress eLearning Plugin
    Demanding to finish watching the video to be able to mark it as completed
  • Reset all courses/lessons - Click this button to reset the courses/lessons counters of unlocked videos for all users. Note: this option was introduced in version 3.6.5.


    You can also reset these counters specifically for each user on the editing page of every user.

    Resetting courses and lessons counters - WordPress Learning Management System Plugin
    Resetting courses and lessons counters


Clicking on the clear cache button clears the cache and can help Video Lessons Manager to stay in sync with Vimeo. Caching prevents too many requests between the website's server and the Vimeo API servers. It also improves the overall plugin performance and the website load time. When admins notice that some videos are not properly synchronized with Vimeo it's possible to purge the cache store using the Clear cache button.

Click the Save button to save any alterations.

Clearing the plugin cache - WordPress Video Courses
Clearing the plugin cache

More information about the WordPress Video Lessons Manager Plugin

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