WordPress Video Lessons Manager Plugin (CMVLM) - Getting Started - Initial Setup (API Keys)

Installing API keys

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Vimeo Free Accounts Are Supported

It's possible to connect to Vimeo even if your account is Basic (free).

As of April/2020, Vimeo limits Basic accounts to 25 API calls/minute, but the plugin only makes calls when importing videos. So it's likely the limit won't be a problem. 

Learn more from Vimeo API Rate Limiting.

For the WordPress Video Lessons Manager plugin to work, API keys must be obtained from either Vimeo or Wistia, whichever platform has been chosen. API keys are entered on the Settings page.

In both the case of Vimeo and Wistia an active account is required for gaining an API key. It is assumed that you both have an account created already and are logged in on the platform.

Accessing Settings

From the WordPress dashboard navigate to CM Video Lesson Manager Pro â†’ Settings, then click on the "General" tab.

Vimeo API settings - WordPress Video Course Plugin
Vimeo API settings

Vimeo - Two Accounts

Starting from version 3.2.6, you can add two Vimeo accounts. You can check the origin of each video from the videos dashboard.

Using two Vimeo accounts - Online Course WordPress Plugin
Using two Vimeo accounts

Obtaining the Vimeo API Key

1) Log In to Vimeo

Create an account if you still don't have one.

2) Access Vimeo App

Visit the Vimeo developer website by clicking this link. Choose an existing app or click on "+ Create App"

You need to have verified your email in order to do this.

3) Create a New App

Fill out the required fields and click on the " Create App" button at the bottom of the page.

  • App name - Used for your control only. 
  • App Description - It's preferable to mention the plugin name
  • Will people besides you be able to access your app - Choose "No"

4) Authentication Page

Enter the Authentication Page for that app. In here:

  1. Copy the Client identifier

    Vimeo App Manager
    Vimeo App Manager
  2. Generate an access token. If you plan to import private Vimeo videos, be sure to check the "Private" box when generating the key.

    Vimeo App Authentication settings
    Vimeo App Authentication settings
  3. Copy the Client Secrets.

    Created Vimeo API key
    Created Vimeo API key

Reminder: Extra Setting for Private Videos

If you plan to import private Vimeo videos, be sure to check the "Private" box when generating the key.

Using private Vimeo videos
Using private Vimeo videos

WordPress Settings

Now, head back to the plugin settings.

Copy and paste the Client Identifier, the Client Secrets and the Access token from the Vimeo Authentication page to the Settings page on the WordPress dashboard of your site.

Connecting Vimeo account with the plugin - WordPress LMS Plugin
Connecting Vimeo account with the plugin

Then save by clicking "Save" at the bottom of the page. To test the configuration click "Test Configuration" in the help text column of the Access token row.

Saving the settings - WordPress Video Lessons Plugin
Saving the settings

New Vimeo Videos Don't Show Up? Check Cache Settings

If you just posted a video on Vimeo and the plugin doesn't find it, it's likely due to cache settings.

Head to CM Video Lesson Manager Pro â†’ Settings.

In the Cache lifetime for Vimeo API setting, you can set how often the plugin "asks" Vimeo about new videos. The default is 3600 seconds (one hour), meaning the plugin will "ask" Vimeo for updates once an hour. 

Lowering this number will make new videos show up faster in the plugin. However, note that this might be limited by your Vimeo plan, as lower Vimeo tiers don't let the plugin "ask" Vimeo that often.

Setting up the cache lifetime for Vimeo API - LMS in WordPress
Setting up the cache lifetime for Vimeo API

Learn more: Vimeo - Vimeo Free vs. Vimeo Premium Accounts

Wistia API

On your Wistia Dashboard navigate to Account â†’ Settings. On the Settings page Choose API Access from the menu on the right.

Wistia account settings
Wistia account settings

The Master API token will be displayed. Click the "Copy" button to the right of the password to copy it to the clipboard. Then paste this into the Wistia API token field back on the WordPress dashboard.

Getting Wistia API Key
Getting Wistia API Key

Then Save by clicking " Save" at the bottom of the page. To test the configuration click "Test Configuration" in the help text column of the Access token row.

Saving the settings - WordPress eLearning Plugin
Saving the settings

More information about the WordPress Video Lessons Manager Plugin

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