WordPress Restricted Site Access (SAR) - How The Plugin Works

How Content Restriction Works

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The WordPress Restricted Site Access plugin allows users to create a membership and content restriction solution. The content restriction is based on user WordPress roles and if they are logged in or not.

Front-End Examples

Examples of full and partial restrictions - Content Dripping WordPress Plugin
Examples of full and partial restrictions

The content restriction can be set by the following options:

1. Specific URL - You can restrict access to specific posts. This can also includes URL parameters. Learn more about URL Filtering.

2. Specific Post / Page - You can restrict access to a post, page or any custom post type by editing the post and using the post metabox to restrict access.

3. Specific Permalink - Some plugins create on the fly pages which are only represented by permalink. In such case you can use the admin bar edit option to define content restriction.

Editing the page - Tiered Membership
Editing the page

4. To all posts by type - using the plugin setting you can restrict content across all post from a specific type.

5. To part of the content - using a shortcode you can limit access to part of the content in a post or page only to specific roles user id or user action.

Menu Restriction

Since the version 1.6.1 it is possible to control the visibility of menu items for different types of users. You can configure the visibility for each menu item in the following ways:

  • Visible for everyony
  • Visible for logged-in users only (for all or for chosen roles only)
  • Visible for logged-out users only

Custom Links have one more additional option - Make a logout URL. It makes the menus item visible for logged-in users only and can be used only for logout.

Setting up the menu item restriction - Content Control WordPress
Setting up the menu item restriction

Learn more about this feature in this use case guide: WordPress Restricted Site Access (SAR) - Use Case - How to Control Your Site Menus By the User Role and Type

Disabling Ability to Change Password

Since the version 1.6.5, the plugin allows to prevent users from changing their passwords in the user profile or by using the option Lost your password

Disabling the ability to change password - Page Restriction WordPress
Disabling the ability to change password

Learn more about it in this guide: WordPress Restricted Site Access (SAR) - How To - Disable the Ability to Change the Password

Managing User Roles

Since the version 1.6.7, the plugin allows you to manage user roles on your site: create, duplicate, edit and delete them. You can change basic user capabilities for each user role except Administrator.

User Role Manager - WordPress Restrict Content
User Role Manager

Learn more about it in this guide: WordPress Restricted Site Access (SAR) - User Role Manager

Restricted User Dashboard

Since the version 1.7.4, the plugin allows to create a user dashboard with multiple custom tabs, where each tab can be visible either for all users or to specific user role only.

User dashboard - Content Gate
User dashboard

Learn more about it in this guide: WordPress Restricted Site Access (SAR) - Dashboard

More information about the WordPress Restricted Site Access plugin

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