WordPress Restricted Site Access (SAR) - Dashboard

Creating Restricted User Dashboard

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Since the version 1.7.4, the WordPress Restricted Site Access plugin allows to create a user dashboard with multiple custom tabs, where each tab can be visible either for all users or to specific user role only.

Front-end Example

Front-end example - Tabs view - Content Control WordPress
Front-end example - Tabs view
Front-end example - Accordion view - WordPress Restricted Site Access
Front-end example - Accordion view


To create and configure the user dashboard, navigate to Admin Dashboard → CM Site Access Restriction Pro â†’ Settings → Dashboard tab.

Navigation to the dashboard settings - Page Restriction WordPress
Navigation to the dashboard settings

You can find there the following settings:


Navigation settings - WordPress Restrict Content
Navigation settings
  • Dashboard page - Choose here the page where the user dashboard should be displayed. It should be a premade page which contains the shortcode [cmsar-dashboard] . Alternatively, you can choose the option -- create new page --, and after clicking Update the page with the shortcode will be created and chosen automatically:
Choosing dashboard page - Content Gate
Choosing dashboard page
  • Show dashboard after login - Enable it, if you want to automatically redirect users to the dashboard page after they login to your site. Note: if you use some plugin for custom login process, and they are configured to redirect users to specific page after login, then they will have higher priority than this option.


Note: this section was introduced in version 1.7.5.

Appearance settings - WordPress Restricted Site Access
Appearance settings
  • View - Choose the dashboard view between:
    • Tabs
    • Accordion


You can also override the view defined in this setting by using a shortcode parameter view on the needed page. It accepts one of the following values:

  • tabs
  • accordion


[cmsar-dashboard view="tabs"]

[cmsar-dashboard view="accordion"]

Dashboard Tabs

Here you can add a customize tabs for the dashboard. It has the following options:

Editing dashboard tabs - Content Dripping WordPress Plugin
Editing dashboard tabs
  • Tab label - Add here the name of the tab.
  • Tab content - Add here the content that will be displayed on the tab. This area accepts simple text, HTML and shortcodes.
  • Visibility - Choose here which user roles will be able to see this tab: either all user roles or only the specific one.
Specifying tab visibility - Tiered Membership
Specifying tab visibility
  • Remove - Click it to remove the tab.
  • Add new tab - Click it to add new tab.


As an example, we created 3 tabs:

  1. Update User Profile - Here we added a shortcode from third-party plugin for configuring the user profile.
  2. You Courses - Here is added HTML formatted text with the list of courses.
  3. Book a Lesson - This tab contains a shortcode from third-party plugin which allows to book meetings. This tab is visible only for user roles with the user role Student.
Examples of tabs - Content Control WordPress
Examples of tabs

Front-end result for the user with the user role Student:

Front-end result for the specific user role - Page Restriction WordPress
Front-end result for the specific user role

Users with other user roles will see only 2 tabs:

Front-end result for other user roles - WordPress Restrict Content
Front-end result for other user roles

Changing the Tabs Order

It is easy to change the order of tabs using the drag-and-drop feature:

Changing the tabs order - Content Gate
Changing the tabs order

When configuration is done, click the button Save at the bottom of the page.

Saving the changes - Content Dripping WordPress Plugin
Saving the changes

More information about the WordPress Restricted Site Access plugin

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