WordPress Glossary Plugin (CMTG) - Terms - Adding Variations

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Term Variations

To make the most out of your glossary, we have added the option to the WordPress Glossary plugin to use singular and plural variations to each of your terms, so that tooltips can be displayed regardless of how the term is written in your text.

This helps in cases where a glossary term is written in the text with a slightly different variation than the one that was defined in the term page, e.g. Tooltip Vs. Tooltips.

Term Variation Example (Singular and Plural)

Term variation example - Wiki WordPress Plugin
Term variation example

How the plugin displays Singular and Plural Variations

In the Pro edition of the plugin, Variations are customized according to the different ways of writing the Term. It may help to refer to Singular and Plural variations of Terms or other similar variations. 

Variations that appear in posts or pages will be linked like any other Term and will show in the Tooltip once hovered-over.

They will NOT appear on the Glossary index page as an entry, and will not be indicated in Term page or Term Tooltip in the way that synonyms do.

How to add Singular and Plural Variations:

Its super easy! Simply go to the individual term page editor and find the “variations” metabox. Then, add all your term variations separated by commas, as shown in the image below:

Adding term variations - WordPress as a Wiki
Adding term variations

TIP: Variations With ","

When adding variations with a comma in their name, it's necessary to enable a specific setting. 

That's because, by default, the plugin separates variations with commas.

You can change the separator from General Settings → Settings tab → Perfomance and Debug section.

More information about the WordPress Glossary Plugin

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