WordPress Video Lessons Manager Plugin (CMVLM) - Admin - Shortcodes


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TIP: What Are Shortcodes

Shortcodes add dynamic content to your site via a small piece of code. Learn more: Shortcodes - How To Use

What are Shortcodes

The WordPress Video Lessons Manager Plugin has a set of shortcodes. Shortcodes are codes the admin inputs in the Back-End that are replaced by live content in the Front-End. For instance, a plugin might have the shortcode [date] that will be transformed in the current date whenever the user accesses the post.

This Plugin

In the Admin Panel → CM Video Lessons Manager Pro â†’ Shortcodes page, there is a list of available shortcodes for the Video Lessons Manager plugin. This article will describe each shortcode and its parameters.

Plugin shortcodes - WordPress Video Course Plugin
Plugin shortcodes

Payment Shortcodes

If you have the Payments add-on enabled, you can also use subscription shortcodes Video Lessons EDD Payments (CMEDDPAY) - Shortcodes


General Playlist

Shortcode format[cmvl-playlist view="playlist|tiles" layout="left|right|bottom|nomenu" course="id|slug" lesson="id|slug" video=id navbar=1 searchbar=1 linksbar=1 ajax=1 urlsearch=0 maxwidth=0]

Use: Shows the list of available videos on a specific lesson or course

  • Option to turn off the linksbar, navbar and searchbar and ajax for enabling/disabling Ajax calls.
  • Set the maximum playlist width in pixels by parameter maxwidth (0 means it's disabled).
  • With view attribute admin can set specific videos positioning for each playlist: tiles or playlist (list of videos).
  • Also with layout attribute admin can decide where to display the video list (only if using view=playlist) - left, right or bottom.
  • Urlsearch is used for the developers to allow searching a keyword passed by the URL parameter.

Single Video

Shortcode format[cmvl-playlist video=id]

Use: Displays only a single player for a specific video ID. You can use all other attributes described before.

Example: [cmvl-playlist video=1581]

Displaying a playlist with courses / lessons / videos - Online Course WordPress Plugin
Displaying a playlist with courses / lessons / videos

Single Lesson

Shortcode format: [cmvl-playlist lesson=id]  

Use: Displays only a single player for a specific lesson ID. You can use all other attributes described before.

Example: [cmvl-playlist lesson=5]

Displaying a single lesson - WordPress LMS Plugin
Displaying a single lesson

Single Course

Shortcode format[cmvl-playlist course=id]  

Use: Displays only a single player for a specific course ID. You can use all other attributes described before.

Example [cmvl-playlist course=4]

Displaying a single course - WordPress Video Lessons Plugin
Displaying a single course

Video List by Course

Shortcode format: [cmvl-videolist course="id" split_by_lesson=0]

Use: Displays the videos according to the course ID. You can also split videos by lesson if you set split_by_lesson to 1.

Lesson List

Shortcode format: [cmvl-lessonlist group_by_course=0]

Use: Display all the lessons. 

  • You can group by course if you set "group_by_course" to 1.

Example: [cmvl-lessonlist group_by_course=1]

Displaying a list of lessons - LMS in WordPress
Displaying a list of lessons

Courses List

Shortcode format:[cmvl-courses-list]

Use: Display the courses list. 


Displaying a list of courses - WordPress eLearning Plugin
Displaying a list of courses
  • view - Choose the view. If left empty, shows the default list view. Also accepts
    • shop   [cmvl-courses-list view="shop"]

      Courses list 'Shop' view - WordPress Learning Management System Plugin
      Courses list 'Shop' view
    • square  [cmvl-courses-list view="square"]

      Courses list 'Square' view - WordPress Video Courses
      Courses list 'Square' view

      Note: In the square view, the lock will show if the payments add-on is active and the client adds subscription to the lesson.

    • list   [cmvl-courses-list view="list"]

      Courses list 'List' view - WordPress Video Lessons Manager Plugin
      Courses list 'List' view

Catalog of All Open Videos

Shortcode format: [cmvl-video-catalog limit="" paid="yes|no"]

Use: Display the list of all open videos, no matter what courses or lessons they are assigned to

  • limit - How many videos are displayed
  • paid - "yes" to include paid videos, "no" to exclude. Only works when paired with the Payments Add-on.

Example: [cmvl-video-catalog limit="6" paid="no"]

Displaying a catalog with all videos - WordPress Video Course Plugin
Displaying a catalog with all videos


Shortcode format: [cmvl-bookmarks navbar=1 searchbar=1 linksbar=1 ajax=1 view="playlist|tiles"]

Use: Shows the list of all user saved bookmarks with the ability to turn navbar and searchbar off. 

Example [cmvl-bookmarks navbar=1 searchbar=1 linksbar=1 ajax=1 view=playlist]

Displaying a list of of saved bookmarks to the user - Online Course WordPress Plugin
Displaying a list of of saved bookmarks to the user

Learn more: How To - Create a Bookmark Page


Note: this shortcode was introduced in version 3.5.7.

Shortcode format: [cmvl-user-playlist view="playlist|tiles"]

Use: Display user's selected videos playlist.

User Dashboard

Shortcode format: [cmvl-dashboard]

Use: Display user's dashboard divided by tabs. You can modify and create new dashboard tabs in the plugin settings under the Dashboard tab ( read the guide). 


Displaying statistics to the user - WordPress LMS Plugin
Displaying statistics to the user

User Statistics

Shortcode format[cmvl-stats]

Use: Shows the user's own statistics about watched lessons. The user can see which lessons he/she watched and what percentage was completed out of the overall.

Only shows lessons the user has already started watching.

Read the specific guide.

  • permalinks - enable links to each video or course with 1 and disable with 0. By default, it's set to 1.


[cmvl-stats permalinks="0"]

Example of statistics without permalinks - WordPress Video Lessons Plugin
Example of statistics without permalinks

[cmvl-stats permalinks="1"]

Example of statistics with permalinks - LMS in WordPress
Example of statistics with permalinks

User Progress

Shortcode format[cmvl-video-progress] , [cmvl-lesson-progress] , and [cmvl-course-progress] .

Use: Display the user's progress (percent) for the video, lesson or progress. 

  • id - Write the id to identify the video, lesson or progress.
  • showtitle - "0" hides the title, "1" shows it.

Example: [cmvl-video-progress id="100" showtitle="1"]

Displaying a user progress - WordPress eLearning Plugin
Displaying a user progress

Report About All Users

Shortcode format[cmvl-progress-report]

Use: Display the progress report of all users in the front-end. You can choose which roles can see it from the settings.


Displaying a report about all users - WordPress Learning Management System Plugin
Displaying a report about all users

Learn more: WordPress Video Lessons Manager Plugin (CMVLM) - Progress Report - Admin View

Points and Badges

Note: both shortcodes under this section were introduced in version 3.9.0.

Shortcode format:

  • [cmvl-user-info]   - For displaying info about claimed badges.
  • [cmvl-badges]   - For displaying the list of badges for claiming.

The shortcode [cmvl-user-info]   has the following parameters:

  • displayusername - Define if to show the user name. Set "1" to show, and "0" to hide. The default value is "1".
  • displayuserpoints - Define it to show the amount of user points. Set "1" to show, and "0" to hide. The default value is "1".
  • displayuserbadges - Define if to show the user badges. Set "1" to show, and "0" to hide. The default value is "1".


[cmvl-user-info displayusername="1" displayuserpoints="1" displayuserbadges="1"]

The shortcode [cmvl-badges]  has one parameter:

  • displayuserpoints - Define it to show the amount of user points. Set "1" to show, and "0" to hide. The default value is "1".


[cmvl-badges displayuserpoints="1"]


Front-end example - WordPress Video Lessons Manager Plugin
Front-end example

Learn more: WordPress Video Lessons Manager Plugin (CMVLM) - Use Case - How to Show User Achievements for Watching Lessons and Courses

More information about the WordPress Video Lessons Manager Plugin

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