To begin, from the WordPress Dashboard, navigate to CM Video Lesson Manager Pro → Videos.
Here the list of videos currently imported to the WordPress site are listed. Videos can be filtered based on Title, publication date, and lesson. There is a search option in the top right corner. Here Bulk actions can also be applied to to the videos in your library.
Importing videos
New Vimeo Videos Don't Show Up? Check Cache Settings
If you just posted a video on Vimeo and the plugin doesn't find it, it's likely due to cache settings.
Head to CM Video Lesson Manager Pro → Settings.
In the Cache lifetime for Vimeo API setting, you can set how often the plugin "asks" Vimeo about new videos. The default is 3600 seconds (one hour), meaning the plugin will "ask" Vimeo for updates once an hour.
Lowering this number will make new videos show up faster in the plugin. However, note that this might be limited by your Vimeo plan, as lower Vimeo tiers don't let the plugin "ask" Vimeo that often.
Note: it's also possible to import/export videos between different websites with WordPress' tool. Read our guide about this feature.
Videos must be uploaded to either your Vimeo or Wistia account before they can be imported by the WordPress Video Lessons Manager plugin. To begin the process, click on the "Import Videos" at the top of the Videos screen, and then you will be at the import page show below:
Choosing the source of videos between Vimeo or Wistia
Next, follow these steps:
1) Choose platform
First, choose your video platform (Vimeo or Wistia). Then you can select from either "Show all videos" or "Show Vimeo albums and channels".
Vimeo's albums and channels must be previously configured in its account for them to show up in the plugin. The company explains those feature in its' documentation page:
Albums allow you to organize videos into sets. You can create Albums and add your own videos or other relevant videos you come across on Vimeo;
Channels allow you to create, curate, and collate your own special thematic home for videos on Vimeo. Create a Channel to give your viewers a slick destination to watch your videos, or set up a Channel to showcase videos you particularly like from other Vimeo members.
2) Assign the videos to a lesson (optional)
Decide which lesson to assign the video to, or whether to do it later. Don't worry about skipping this, because you can modify the setting at any time.
Choosing an album or channel where to import from
3) Skip existing videos (optional)
It's possible to skip videos that were already uploaded by checking this option:
Skipping existing videos
4) Import the selected videos
Click on the check boxes beside the videos that are to be uploaded then click " Import chosen videos".
Importing selected videos
The videos associated with the chosen API will appear. The Thumbnail, title, video duration and release date are also displayed.
Note that only 50 videos will appear at once. To load the next batch of 50, click the button LoadMore, as highlighted below. This limit helps preventing overburdening the server.
Loading more videos
5) Import Completed
A message will appear to indicate the successful import.
Upon successfully being imported the chosen video or videos will appear at the top of the list of videos shown on the videos page.
Imported videos
Editing Video Meta Information
To Edit a video's meta information hover over the row of the video to be edited. Options should appear below the video's title and description. Click the "Edit" option to open the full Edit screen or "Quick Edit" to open the short drop down edit option.
Editing details of videos
For each video that is added to site with WordPress Video Lessons Manager plugin a Custom post is created. This Post contains all the Meta information relating to the video. These various fields can be edited manually here.
Video details
Title - By default this appears the same as it does on Vimeo or Wistia.
Description - Also imported from Vimeo or Wistia by default. Shortcodes are accepted in this field.
Assigned toLesson - Videos can only be assigned to one lesson at a time. To assign the same video to different lessons import the video more than once and assign each import to a different lesson.
Status and Visibility - Applies to the front-end of the site. For videos to appear this must be set to " Public", which is the default for newly imported videos.
Player - Indicates the platform that the video is being hosted on. It also shows how the video will appear on the page.
API information - Indicates clearly where the video was imported from.
Files - Attaches files to this specific video (feature added in version 3.1.7).
Attaching files to the video
Quick Edit
Hover over the chosen video row until the hidden options appear below the video title/description and select "Quick Edit" . This will hide the video thumbnail and information and will display the quick edit fields. The Quick edit is more limited. The video Description cannot be edited in the Quick Edit mode and the video's origin cannot be viewed.
Quick edit
Can't Save Description - Redirection Plugin Troubleshooting
If you are using the Redirection WordPress plugin, note that it may prevent you from updating videos description. This is due to a compatibility issue and is easy to fix.
To fix the issue, head to WP Dashboard → Tools → Redirection → URL Monitor setting. All options should be unchecked, as seen below.
Redirection Troubleshooting
Deleting Videos
Videos can be deleted either individually or in bulk.
Deleting videos Individually
Hover over the row of the video to be deleted to display the options for the video. Click on "Trash".
Deleting videos in Bulk
To delete videos in bulk check the boxes to the left of any video that is to be deleted from the list. Then from the "Bulk Actions" drop down menu selected "Move to Trash" and click the Apply button.
Removing imported videos
Recovering deleted videos
Videos will be deleted by both of these two means without any further prompts or confirmations. Immediately after deleting a video it can be recovered by clicking on "Undo" in the message at the top of the Video list page.
Cancelling deletion
Deleted videos can also be recovered later. On the videos page click on "Trash" to show videos that have been deleted.
Recovering deleted videos
On the Trash page the videos that have been moved to Trash are displayed. Hovering over a deleted video will display options for that video. Choose between Restoring the video or Deleting Permanently.
Videos can also be restored in bulk by checking the box to the left of multiple videos and choosing "Restore" from the Bulk Actions drop down menu on either the top or bottom of the video list, then clicking Apply.
Restoring videos from trash or deleting them completely
Regenerating Thumbnails
Note 1: this feature was introduced in version 3.5.7.
Note 2: currently this feature works only for Vimeo videos.
The option Regenerate Thumbnails is used in two cases:
When the admin changes a thumbnail for a video on Vimeo, and on your WordPress site is still displayed old thumbnail.
When instead of a thumbnail, a multicolor picture is displayed by default:
Failed thumbnail load
To regenerate actual thumbnail without re-importing the same video, hover on the needed video and click on Regenerate Thumbnail:
Regenerating a thumbnail for a specific video
Regenerating Thumbnails in Bulk
Since the version 3.5.8, it is possible to regenerate thumbnails for Vimeo videos in bulk. Just click the button Regenerate Vimeo Thumbnails above the list of videos.
Regenerating thumbnails for all videos
Refreshing Videos
Note 1: this feature was introduced in version 3.5.8.
Note 2: currently this feature works only for Vimeo videos.
If private Vimeo videos that you've imported are not working on your WordPress site, you need to refresh them. There are two ways how you can do this:
Refresh single video
Refresh all videos in bulk
Refreshing Single Video
To refresh single video, hover on needed video and click Refresh Video.
Refreshing a specific video
Refreshing Videos in Bulk
To refresh all videos in bulk, click the button Refresh Vimeo Videos above the list of videos.
Refreshing all videos
Importing Private Videos
Make sure you've configured Vimeo API correctly to import private videos. If you don't know, how to do this, please, check these guides: