WordPress Pay Per Post Plugin (CMPPP) - Settings - Translating The Plugin Interface (Labels Settings)

Labels Settings

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To configure labels in the WordPress Pay Per Post plugin, navigate to the Admin Dashboard → CM Pay Per Posts Pro → Settings → Labels tab.

Navigation to the plugin labels - Pay-Per-Post Plugin
Navigation to the plugin labels


  • activate_subscription_header - Call to action "Activate subscription" for logged-in users.
  • activate_subscription_header_guest - Call to action "Activate subscription" for users who are not logged-in (guests).
  • activate_subscription_text_guest - Message on paybox for guest users.
  • activate_subscription_text - Message on paybox for logged-in users.
  • period_for_points - Subscription option to choose e.g. "2 weeks for 20 points".
  • mp_error_wallet_not_exists - Error when trying to charge a wallet that does not exist.
  • mp_error_not_enough_points - Error when trying to charge wallet which does not have enough points.
  • msg_activation_success - Message after successful subscription activation.
  • paybox_pay_btn - Paybox pay button.
  • paybox_pay_single_btn - Paybox pay button for one single time period.
Micropayments labels - Paywall Plugin WordPress
Micropayments labels


  • mp_amount_payed_format - Amount payed format for Micropayments.
  • eddpay_amount_payed_format - Amount paid in the format for EDD or WooCommerce Payment.
  • autoredirect_text - Number of seconds to autoredirect.
  • shortcode_group_paybox_subscribed - Text will appear in the [cmppp-group-paybox] shortcode if user has paid for the content. Use %group_name% to show the pricing group name and %end_date% to display the date when the subscription ends.
  • shortcode_group_paybox_subscribed_lifetime - Text will appear in the [cmppp-group-paybox] shortcode if user has paid for the content with a lifetime subscription. Use %group_name% to show the pricing group name.
Subscription labels - Best Paywall Plugin for WordPress
Subscription labels

TIP: Decimals

The %.2f expression is special. 2f means there are two decimals. You can change it extensively.

Examples with the cost $2.15

Label Front-end result
$%.2f $2.15
$%.1f $2.1
$%d $2
USD %.2f USD 2.15
%d euros 2 euros


  • shortcode_group_paybox_has_no_content - Text will appear in the [cmppp-group-paybox] shortcode if the group has no content assigned. Use %group_name% to show the pricing group name.
  • backlink_for_post - Text will appear on the confirmation page. Use %post_type% to show the post type name.
  • backlink_to_main_paid - Text will appear on the confirmation page.
Other labels - WordPress Plugin Paywall
Other labels


Learn more: WordPress Pay Per Post Plugin (CMPPP) - How To - Show User's Active Subscriptions (Shortcode)

  • shortcode_subscriptions_table_caption - Table caption in the subscriptions shortcode.
  • shortcode_subscriptions_table_no - No subscriptions text in the subscriptions shortcode.
  • shortcode_subscriptions_post - "Post" column name in the subscriptions shortcode.
  • shortcode_subscriptions_start - "Start" column name in the subscriptions shortcode.
  • shortcode_subscriptions_end - "End" column name in the subscriptions shortcode.
  • shortcode_subscriptions_duration - "Duration" column name in the subscriptions shortcode.
  • shortcode_subscriptions_amount - "Amount" column name in the subscriptions shortcode.
  • shortcode_subscriptions_status - "Status" column name in the subscriptions shortcode.
  • status_past - Subscription status "past".
  • status_active - Subscription status "active".
  • status_refund - Subscription status "refund".
  • shortcode_author_subscriptions_table_caption - Table caption in the author subscriptions shortcode.
  • shortcode_author_subscriptions_user_name - "User Name" column name in the author subscriptions shortcode.
  • shortcode_author_subscriptions_user_email - "User Email" column name in the author subscriptions shortcode.
Shortcode labels - Paywalled Content
Shortcode labels


  • refund_btn - Refund button label.
  • refund_box_header - Refund box header.
  • refund_box_text - Refund box text.
  • refund_box_reason_other - Other reason label.
  • refund_box_submit_btn - Refund confirmation button.
  • refund_box_cancel_btn - Refund cancel button.
  • refund_other_reason_placeholder - Other reason text area placeholder.
  • refund_success_msg - Refund success message.
  • refund_error_msg - Refund error message.
  • refund_error_timeout_msg - Error message when time window for refund has been exceeded.
  • refund_error_mp_msg - Error message when Micropayments returned an error.
Refund labels - Paywall Solutions for Publishers
Refund labels


Dates labels - WordPress Pay Per Post Plugin
Dates labels

Restrict copying content

  • restrict_copying_content - Prevent users from copying content message.
Restrict copying content label - Pay-Per-Post Plugin
Restrict copying content label

Restricted Shortcode

Learn more: WordPress Pay Per Post Plugin (CMPPP) - How To - Restrict Sections Of The Content (Shortcode)

  • restricted_shortcode_heading - Restricted shortcode heading.
  • restricted_shortcode_content - Restricted shortcode content.
Restricted shortcode labels - WordPress Paywall Plugin
Restricted shortcode labels

Restrict Post Availability

Learn more: WordPress Pay Per Post Plugin (CMPPP) - How To - Restrict Number of Purchases

  • post_availability_no_more - Displays a message detailing that the post is not available for purchase.
  • post_availability_no_more_with_no - Displays a message that the post is not available for purchase with a percentage of users that have already bought it. Click on the blue Save button to save changes.
  • post_availability_more_with_no - Post availability more message with number (%d).
  • post_availability_available - Available text.
  • post_availability_not_available - Not available text.
  • post_availability_already_own - You already own this post text.
  • post_availability_author_or_administrator - You author of this post or administrator text.
Post Availability labels - Best Paywall Plugin for WordPress
Post Availability labels


  • message_cmppp_show_message_you_have_bought_the_post - You've bought the post text.
  • message_cmppp_show_if_subscription_is_already_in_your_cart - The subscription is already in your cart text.
Messages labels - Paywall Plugin WordPress
Messages labels


  • product_single_name - Product name template for single price. Placeholders: %post_name%, %period%
  • product_group_name - Product name template for the group price. Placeholders: %group_name%, %period%
  • product_category_name - Product name template for the category price. Placeholders: %category_name%, %period%
Products labels - WordPress Paywall Plugin
Products labels


Note: The WordPress Pay Per Post plugin supports both EDD and WooCommerce. The labels only contain "eddpay" in their titles for compatibility purposes.

  • eddpay_activate_subscription_header - Call to action "Activate subscription".
  • eddpay_activate_subscription_header_shortcode_group_paybox - Call to action "Activate subscription".
  • eddpay_activate_subscription_text - Text on the paybox for logged-in users.
  • eddpay_activate_subscription_text_shortcode_group_paybox - Text on the group paybox for shortcode [cmppp-group-paybox].
  • eddpay_activate_subscription_text_single - Text on the single paybox for logged-in users.
  • eddpay_activate_subscription_text_guest - Text on the paybox for not logged-in users.
  • eddpay_period_for_amount - Subscription option to choose e.g. "2 weeks for $20".
  • eddpay_subscription_checkout_button - Checkout button label.
  • eddpay_subscription_checkout_button_period_for_amount - Activate subscription button label when only one cost is available.
  • eddpay_subscription_checkout_button_period_for_amount_guest - Activate subscription text when only one cost is available for guest users.
  • eddpay_subscription_activate_success - Success message after subscription has been activated.
  • eddpay_checkout_redirection - Checkout redirection message.
  • eddpay_transaction_label - Transaction label.
  • eddpay_post_cost - Subscription checkout cost.
  • eddpay_activate_subscription_for_single - Call to action "Activate subscription for single".
  • eddpay_activate_subscription_header_for_category - Call to action "Activate subscription for category".
  • category_activate_subscription_button - Activate subscription button label for categories. Click on the blue Save button to save changes.
  • eddpay_wait_until_admin_approve - User will see this text if he chose an offline method for payment and admin hasn't confirmed the purchase.
Payments labels - WordPress Plugin Paywall
Payments labels

IP: Decimals

The %.2f expression is special. 2f means there are two decimals. You can change it to whatever you need.

Examples with the cost $2.15

Label Front-end result
$%.2f $2.15
$%.1f $2.1
$d% $2
USD %.2f USD 2.15
%d euros 2 euros

More information about the WordPress Pay Per Post Plugin

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