WordPress Video Lessons Manager Plugin (CMVLM) - Free Version Tutorial

Free Version Tutorial

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WordPress Video Lessons Manager Plugin

Learn more about WordPress Video Lessons Manager Plugin

This article covers only features present in the free version of WordPress Video Lessons Manager plugin. It shows you how to embed Vimeo or Wistia videos as lessons in your site.


Example of a video channel on the WordPress website - WordPress Video Course Plugin
Example of a video channel on the WordPress website

Table of Contents

  1. Installation guide
  2. List of Features
  3. Using the Plugin - Overview
  4. Initial Setup
    1. Vimeo API Keys
  5. Creating a Channel
  6. Settings
    1. Channels URL
    2. Appearance (Pagination, Custom CSS)
    3. Translating the Plugin (Labels)

Installation guide

Here are the steps needed to install the plugin:

  1. Download - To manually install the plugin, you must first download it from WordPress.org to your computer.
  2. Navigate to the Plugins tab in the WordPress Admin Panel to install the plugin.

    Adding new plugin - Install the WordPress LMS Plugin
    Adding new plugin
  3. Activate the plugin. 

TIP: Register for Benefits

If you like, you can register your plugin to receive information about updates and our latest offers. You can complete your registration at any time. 

If you don’t want to register right away, you can select the Skip button.

Plugin registration for receiving updates
Plugin registration for receiving updates

List of Features

Free Edition Pro Edition
Add unlimited videos  Add unlimited videos
Embed videos from Vimeo Embed videos from Vimeo, Vimeo Private Videos and Wistia
Import Vimeo channels or albums as they are Import any videos into lessons; organize lessons into courses
Each channel receives page Use the automatic page or use shortcodes to combine videos
Everyone can access videos Choose who can access videos (for instance, only logged-in users)
- Track user progress on each video
- Users can bookmark videos and add notes
Choose number of videos per page and apply custom CSS Multiple visual options, including templates
- Customizable user dashboard with multiple tabs
- Restrict watch time globally or per lesson
- Add-on support for payment, certificates and quiz
- S2Member Pro integration
Translate the plugin with customizable labels Translate the plugin with customizable labels
No support Plugin can be used forever; one year support and updates

WordPress Video Lessons Manager Plugin

Learn more about WordPress Video Lessons Manager Plugin

Using the Free Plugin - Overview

How Videos Are Organized

Channels are the basic building block in the plugin. Each plugin channel can be assigned to one specific Vimeo channel or album.

For example:

  • Channel A → Vimeo Channel A
  • Channel B → Vimeo Album A

What Can Users Do?

Users can access any channel and perform a series of actions:

  • Interact with the channel description
  • Change channel
  • Play each video, check settings and enable full screen
  • Read and interact with links from the video description (links that are automatically fetched from Vimeo need to be edited by the admin using HTML to display them as links).  
  • Click the video title to see it on Vimeo

Some practical examples

Using embedded video channel - Online Course WordPress Plugin
Using embedded video channel

Initial Setup - Connecting Vimeo

For the WordPress Video Lessons plugin to work, API keys must be obtained from Vimeo.

Acquiring Vimeo API Keys

Guide with more pictures: WordPress Video Lessons Manager Plugin (CMVLM) - Getting Started - Initial Setup (API Keys)

1) Access Vimeo App

Log in to Vimeo. Then, visit the Vimeo developer website by clicking this link. Choose an existing app or click on "+ Create App".

Creating Vimeo App
Creating Vimeo App

You need to have verified your email in order to do this.

2) Create a New App

Fill out the required fields and click on the "Create App" button at the bottom of the page.

  • App name - Used for your control only. 
  • App Description - It's preferable to mention the plugin name
  • Will people besides you be able to access your app - Choose "No"

Enter the Authentication Page for that app. In here:

  1. Copy the Client identifier
  2. Generate an access token. If you plan to import private Vimeo videos, be sure to check the "Private" box when generating the key.
  3. Copy the Client Secrets.

    Getting Vimeo API key
    Getting Vimeo API key

Adding Key to Plugin

Once you have the keys, adding it to the plugin is easy. Head to the General tab and copy them to the respective Vimeo section fields.

In the same setting, you can click Test Configuration to ensure the connection is working.

Connecting the WordPress LMS Plugin with Vimeo account
Connecting the WordPress Video Lessons Plugin with Vimeo account

TIP: Cache Setting

If you update your videos often, consider lowering the value in the option Cache lifetime for Vimeo API. This will ensure the plugin will update the content from Vimeo more often. 

However, note that a value low too low might increase load times.

Creating a Channel

Now that Vimeo is properly connected, you can start importing Vimeo channels/albums. Start by heading to WP Admin → CM Video Lesson Manager → Channels.

Navigation to the Channels dashboard - LMS in WordPress
Navigation to the Channels dashboard

In this screen you can review and edit your current channels, as well as include ones via the Add Channel button.

Adding Channel - WordPress eLearning Plugin
Adding Channel

You will enter the Channel creation/edit page.

Channel Creation / Edit Page

  1. Channel title and description - You can include any type of content in the description.
  2. Vimeo Album - Choose which Vimeo album or channel will be assigned to this channel. In this free version, it's only possible to assign one per channel.
Channel Creation - WordPress Learning Management System Plugin
Channel Creation


Created channel - WordPress Video Courses
Created channel

This is the most important part of the plugin. Now you can create as many channels as you need!

General plugin settings - WordPress Video Lessons Manager Plugin
General plugin settings
Still in the same General tab, you have an important setting.
  • Permalink prefix - The prefix of the channels' permalinks.

    For example, "video-lesson" will generate permalinks such as: site.com/video-lesson/my-first-channel.

    By default, it's "video-lesson".

    Note: If channel pages don't open after changing the permalink then you need to update permalink structure.

    Navigate to Admin Dashboard â†’ Settings â†’ Permalinks, then click the button Save Changes - it should solve the problem.

Settings - Appearance

Again in the General tab, you have two appearance settings:

Appearance settings - WordPress Video Course Plugin
Appearance settings
  • Videos per page - If the channel has more videos than this value, it will be paginated.

    Videos pagination - Online Course WordPress Plugin
    Videos pagination
  • Custom CSS - You can enter custom CSS which will be embedded on the channel page.

    Quick Read

    What is CSS

    CSS allows you to make changes that WordPress, themes and even the plugins don't support. Be sure to test all changes before applying! Learn more: General Support - Advanced - Custom CSS

    CreativeMinds Can Help

    If you prefer not modifying CSS and visual elements by yourself, CreativeMinds can help to adapt CM plugins to your theme. Learn more: Plugin Installation Service for WordPress by CreativeMinds

Settings - Translating the Plugin (Labels Tab)

If your site is not in English or you would like to adjust the language, head to the Labels tab.

In here, there are almost 20 labels to be changed.

Labels settings - WordPress LMS Plugin
Labels settings


Example of changing labels - WordPress Video Lessons Plugin
Example of changing labels

More information about the WordPress Video Lessons Manager Plugin

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