Course Catalog Waiting List - Waiting List for Courses on the Dashboard
Waiting List - Course Catalog Dashboard
Add-on Required
It's necessary to have the Dashboard Add-on installed to enjoy this functionality
Learn All About The Dashboard Tab
Navigating The Dashboard | Courses Tab | Students Tab | Registrations Tab | Waiting List Tab
What This Add-on Does
The Course Catalog Waiting List (Learning Management System) WordPress add-on allows students to leave their email and contact information on a waiting list for courses. If users can't register for courses in the current moment, the admin can add a special waiting list form on each course page.
Waiting List on the Dashboard
After you install and activate the Course Catalog Dashboard, you can view and change all the requests on the waiting list. The admin can filter information by dates, and course titles. The admin can also export filtered items to the CSV-file and add new items manually.
The list provides the following columns:
- Date - When the user leaves the request on the waiting list.
- Name - Shows the user name
- Email - Displays the user email
- Course Name - Shows the course name the user sent the request to.
- Phone Number - Displays the user's contact phone number.
- Admin Note - This column is for additional admin notes.
- Registered - Shows if the user is already registered to the course or not.
- Action - Removes the chosen request.
- Edit - Edit the waiting item.
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Get more information about the Course Catalog Waiting List add-on for WordPress Other WordPress products can be found at CreativeMinds WordPress Store |
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