CM Answers Experts (CMA) - What Are Experts And How To Add Them

What Are Experts And How To Add Them

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An expert is a user that can answer questions of certain categories.

The admin can assign any user registered to the WordPress website to be an expert. This is done by simply adding or editing a category and checking the "Select experts" field.

There, you can find users by username and add them.

If a category contains more than one expert, all experts assigned to this category will be able to view this question in the questions folder. The first to accept it will be able to communicate with the user. 

Expert Permissions

The admin can configure experts permissions. To do this navigate to Admin Dashboard → CM Answers Pro → Settings → Experts Addon tab.

Under the General section you will find the following options:

  • Allow experts to choose their categories - If enabled, each expert will be able to choose in the "Edit profile" tab the categories he is an expert in.
  • Show unanswered questions only to experts - You can restrict visibility of the unanswered questions and the possibility to post answers to the experts assigned to the question's category. The author of the question will also be able to see the question. After the first answer has been posted, the question will be visible to everyone according to the settings. Note: this option is available in the add-on since the version 2.1.0.
  • Exclude experts by roles - Choose the roles to exclude them from experts.
  • Allow experts to create new categories - If enabled, each expert will be able to create a new category.
  • Hide "Public questions" label - Hide "Public question" label on a question page.
  • Replace default contributor pages with expert pages - If enabled, the default contributors' pages will be replaced with expert pages. Note: this option was introduced in version 2.1.2.
  • Replace default contributor pages with user pages - If enabled, the default contributors' pages will be replaced with user pages. Note: this option was introduced in version 2.1.2.

User Management

When the plugin is activated, the new field "Expert in categories" will show up on every user's WordPress profile.

There it's possible to check if the user has any expert assigned to him/her.

More information about the CM Answers Experts WordPress  Plugin

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