Magento 2 Shipping Restrictions (M2) - Installation


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  1. Downloading the File
  2. Preparing the File Structure
  3. Installing the Extension
  4. Checking if it's Enabled
  5. Flushing the Magento Cache
  6. Extension's Settings

1) Downloading the File

Download and unpack the archived package for the Magento 2 Shipping Restrictions extension, after obtaining it from either the Confirmation Email or from the User Dashboard on

Downloading the extension in the Customer Dashboard - Magento 2 Shipping Rules
Downloading the extension in the Customer Dashboard

Unpack this file before the next step.

2) Preparing the File Structure

Make sure the path app/code/Cminds exists, as shown below. If it doesn't, create the necessary folders.

Target path - Magento 2 Shipping Rules Extension
Target path

Then, inside "Cminds" you should create a folder named "ShipmentRestriction" (marked in gray below). Paste the files you unpacked in the last step there.

Creating new folder - Magento Shipping Extension
Creating new folder

In Magento 2, extension files are placed in one module folder so there is no need to copy files to different directories like it used to be in Magento 1.

3) Installing the Extension

Open the console and type the following commands: 

php bin/magento module:enable Cminds_ShipmentRestriction
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
For Magento 2.0.x, 2.1.x:
rm -rf var/di
rm -rf var/generation

For Magento 2.2.x:
rm -rf generated/*
php bin/magento setup:di:compile
rm -rf pub/static/*
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy

In Magento 2.2.x, depending of the mode in which Magento is running, it may be necessary to add a "-f" flag to the end of the above command.
chmod -R 777 pub/static
For Magento 2.0.x, 2.1.x:
chmod -R 777 var

For Magento 2.2.x:
chmod -R 777 generated
chmod -R 777 var

4) Checking if the Extension is Enabled

To check the list of enabled modules, you can either:

  • Run the command "php bin/magento module:status" in the console command.
  • Or check manually in "app/etc/config.php" file.

5) Flushing the Magento Cache

The last thing that you need to do is to flush Magento cache. You can do this in two ways:

  • Running in console command the command 'php bin/magento cache:clean':
php bin/magento cache:clean
  • In the Admin Panel, heading to System → Cache Management, then selecting all elements and clicking 'Flush Magento Cache'.

    Flushing the cache - Shipping Restrictions for Magento 2
    Flushing the cache

6) Extension's Settings

Some extensions can be enable or disabled from their settings menu as well. They are set Enabled by default.

You can check this status in the following path:

Admin Panel → Stores → Configuration → Extension name → Configuration → General

Checking the feature status - Magento 2 Restrict Shipping Locations
Checking the feature status

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