WordPress Glossary Plugin (CMTG) - Extras - Tooltip On / Off Frontend Widget

Adding a Front End Control for the Tooltip

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This feature is only available in the Pro+ and Ecommerce editions of the WordPress Glossary plugin.

The shortcode is  [glossary-toogle-tooltips session=”1″ ] where the attribute defines the initial state. 1 = On while 0 = Off.

When the toggle is on, a Disable Tooltips link is shown in the following way:

Disable tooltips widget - Tooltip WordPress Plugin
Disable tooltips widget

When off:

Enable tooltips widget - Wiki Plugin for WordPress
Enable tooltips widget

This toggle link is controlled by the class cmtt-glossary-tooltip-toggle so you can apply different style to distinguish it from the rest of the text or you can place it in the sidebar. 

Sometimes a site needs input from the community it serves.

With the Glossary Community Terms add-on users can help to build your glossary as you watch your key content grow.

Widget Settings

The widget has setting options which are found in the Ecommerce Settings tab in the plugin settings as shown below:

Widget settings - Wiki for WordPress
Widget settings
  • Tooltip ON/OFF Widget Mode - Select what the widget should hide, just the tooltips or the whole functionality.
  • Tooltip ON/OFF Widget label - Select the label for the Tooltip ON/OFF Widget.
  • Tooltip ON/OFF Widget - disable text - Select the text for the link when the tooltips are enabled.
  • Tooltip ON/OFF Widget - enable text - Select the text for the link when the tooltips are disabled.
  • Add to the top of each post? - Select this option if you want to automatically add the widget allowing to toggle the tooltips ON/OFF on the top of each post (from the list from General Settings).
  • Add to the bottom of each post? - Select this option if you want to automatically add the widget allowing to toggle the tooltips ON/OFF on the top of each post (from the list from General Settings).

More information about the WordPress Glossary Plugin

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