Social Login - Configuration

Module activation

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To enable the Extension please fill the license field that you will find in   System → Configuration → CM Magento Extensions and click on "Save Config". 

After saving the licence key, please go to System → Configuration → Advanced and check if your module is enabled.


Social Accounts Settings

In order to properly set your social login popup, Google and Facebook buttons need to be configured. 

For that reason, please go to System → Configuration → Customer → Customer Configuration and in this section, you will have options for each social account. 

The ' Enabled' field allows you to make your button active or not, second and third field are parameters for your social accounts. 

You may set up also a custom redirection after signup in " Custom Redirection" field.

Social Login Popup

After setting up your module, you can check the new feature on your store by clicking on Account → Log In.

main page login.jpg

The popup screen allows you to create an account for new users, log in if you already have an account or use your Google, Facebook account to register/login to the shop.

Get more information about the Social Login Popup Extension for Magento®.

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