After Registration Extended Profile Fields - Use Case - How to Ask a User to Add Additional Information After He Registered
Use Case – How to ask a user to add additional information after he registered.
Note: This guide requires:
- CM After Registration Extended Profile Fields – This document uses version 1.0.4
- User Role Editor - This document uses version 4.61.1
Video Use-Case
CM After Registration Extended Profile Fields is a WordPress plugin that allows you request information from your users after they have registered, enriching their profiles. This powerful plugin boasts a visual Profile Form builder and allows the admin to automatically update the role of users who complete the questionnaire.
Use Case Front-End
1) User registration:
2) We can see that the user role after registration is "Subscriber".
3) The user can see the notification that offers to complete his profile:
4) The user completes the form:
5) After the user completed the form, we can see that his role changed to "Unicorn".
6) And now this user has an access to the admin dashboard and can manage WooCommerce products, as we allowed it for this user role.
Use Case Assumptions
In this example we will consider how to build the form with all options you need, how to create different user roles and how to automatically update their roles after completing the questionnaire.
We assume that you've already bought the plugin, but not installed it yet.
It follows:
- Installing the plugin
- What the plugin does
- User roles
- General settings
- Translating the front-end labels
- Building the form
- End Result
- Managing User Data
Installing The plugin
The process is the same for all CM plugins and add-ons.
- Download the plugin from your customer dashboard
- Log in to WordPress and navigate to the WordPress Admin → Plugins settings
- Click on Add New
- Activate it and add the license
Learn more: Getting Started - Plugin Overview
What the Plugin Does
The After Registration Extended Profile Fields plugin allows you to retrieve information from users after they have logged in, enriching their profiles.
This is done through a Profile Form that can be activated with a notice or through the use of shortcodes.
You can also assign new roles to those users that complete the profile form with extra fields.
User Roles
Before we start getting know our plugin closer, let's make a small digression. As there's ability to upgrade the user role after completing the questionnaire, it might be useful for you to know about how to create new user roles and define their capabilities.
For example: let's create a user role called "Unicorn" with abilities to manage WooCommerce products (create, edit, delete them). So, after registration the user gets standard role "Subscriber". Then he will be asked to complete the form with the data to upgrade his role to "Unicorn".
For creating new user roles you can use the User Role Editor plugin. You can install it the same way as any other WordPress plugin.
After you installed the plugin navigate to Admin Dashboard → Users → User Role Editor.
Next step - you need to click the Add Role button, give a name to the new role, define its capabilities and then save the changes using the Update button.
You can learn more about how the User Role Editor plugin works: User Role Editor - Documentation.
Now you know how to create new user roles, so we can go straight to our main plugin.
General Settings
Let's start with the plugin settings.
Navigate to Admin Dashboard → After Registration → Settings.
Under the General tab you can see a few settings:
Display notice automatically - Enable it to automatically display the notification with proposal to fill the questionnaire. To display it manually you can use a shortcode [cmareg-extended-profiles-notice]. Learn more about shortcodes: After Registration Extended Profile Fields - Shortcodes
- Notice message - Write here a message that will be displayed in the notification. This field accepts HTML and the placeholder [epurl] that fetches the extended profile pages URL.
- Extended profile fields form page - Choose the page where the questionnaire is located. Once the plugin is installed, the page is created automatically. You can also create your own page, place there a shortcode [cmareg-extended-profiles] and choose this page. Learn more about shortcodes: After Registration Extended Profile Fields - Shortcodes
- Roles - Select any number of roles to display the notice only to them. By default, all roles will be selected.
- Assign new role after the form is filled? - If you want users to have a new role after completing the form, you can choose a role here. Let's choose here the role "Unicorn" that we created before for our example.
- Notice container class or id - if you want to add a notice to a custom position you need to add a class name with period such as
or ID with hash such as#container
. If you leave it empty then notice will prepend in body.
Don't forget to click the Save button to save the changes.
In the settings menu you can also see the button Clear cache on the bottom right. It might be useful to use for clearing cache in rare situations, when something goes wrong.
Translating the Front-end Labels
In the next tab Labels you can customize or translate to another language the following items:
- extended_profiles
- extended_profiles_field_required
- extended_profiles_save_btn
- extended_profiles_success
Building the Form
The Profile Form is a collection of Custom Fields that the user must fill. Custom Fields are extremely versatile: they can be used for adding a phone number, a short blurb, a description of the service they provide, asking if a subscriber is over 18 or not, and many more.
Adding Custom Fields to the Profile
Navigate to Admin Dashboard → After Registration → After Registration.
There you can see the Form Builder.
You can add any input field from the list on the right by dragging and dropping them to the zone on the left. For convenience, the fields can be minimized by clicking on the pencil icon that appears at the top right while hovering over an input field's settings area.
The custom input fields can be reordered by clicking and holding it and then dragging it up or down as desired.
Types of Input Fields
There is a selection of different input fields available to choose from to control the type of data being entered by users.
- Text Input - Creates a small input area for plain text.
- Text Area - Creates a large input area for plain text. Better for blocks and paragraphs of text.
- Number - Creates an input area that will allow numbers only.
- Select - Creates a drop-down menu to choose from.
- Radio Group - Creates a list to choose from by clicking on radio buttons. Limited to one choice.
- Checkbox Group - Creates a list to choose from by clicking checkboxes. Allows multiple choices.
- Date Field - Creates a date selection field with a drop-down calendar date picker, an up-down incremental selector or manual input options.
Each of these input types has their own configurations specific to them.
Settings Common to All Input Fields
There are also settings that are common to every field and affect the general behavior of the form.
- Change Label - Edit the front-end label for the input field.
- User Meta Key - The key to the user meta record in the database. It's recommended to change this to something more easily remembered using alphanumeric characters and underscores.
- Required - Check this box to make the input field required for the user to complete the registration form.
- Restrict to Roles - Show the field only to the selected user roles.
- Tooltip Text - Tooltip that will appear on hovering.
- CSS Class - Filled automatically, but can be customized.
- Some fields might have the setting Placeholder - so, you can write some text to give users a hint what type of the answer is supposed to be
Let's create the following form:
Don't forget to click the Save button to save your form.
End Result
Let's see how it will look like on the Front-end.
Use Case Front-End
1) User registration:
2) We can see that the user role after registration is "Subscriber".
3) The user can see the notification that offers complete his profile:
4) The user completes the form:
5) After the user completed the form, we can see that his role changed to "Unicorn".
6) And now this user has an access to the admin dashboard and can manage WooCommerce products, as we allowed it for this user role.
Managing User Data
Let's see next, what we can do with the received user data.
First of all, you can export all this data to CSV-file using the button Download CSV right under the Form Builder.
You can also export to CSV the data about definite user and edit the date. To do that, navigate to Admin Dashboard → Users → All Users.
Hover on the needed user, and there you can see two new options:
The first option - Extended profile fields to CSV. You can export the data about this definite user to CSV-file.
The second option - Edit extended profile fields. Click it to edit the data from extended profile fields.
TIP: View the data from extended profile fields
You can also view the information from extended profile fields while regular editing the user.
But there you can only view this data, without the possibility of editing.
Following this simple guide you can collect user data, enrich their profiles and upgra de their user role.
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More information about the CM After Registration Extended Profile Fields WordPress Plugin Other WordPress products can be found at CreativeMinds WordPress Store |
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