General Magento Support - M2 - Importing Products in Bulk (CSV File)

Importing Products in Bulk in Magento 2

Magento 2 allows a simple and convenient way to import, update or change details for many products at once. This does not require any CreativeMind extension.

You can achieve this by preparing and uploading a CSV file with product names, colors, descriptions, and other data. 

Prepare the CSV file

On your Admin sidebar, go to System -> Data Transfer -> Import

In import settings, set Entity Type to Products. From this page, you can download the sample file and use it to prepare your CSV.

Editing CSV as Spreadsheet

This is how a CSV file looks when imported into a spreadsheet program, such as Excel, Numbers or Google Docs. 

Make sure that the file you are uploading follows the sample file and does not exceed 2 MB.

Importing Images

If you are using the CSV file to upload images, make sure you have uploaded your images to the proper location. In Magento, the default location is pub/media/import

If you are uploading images from an external server, make sure you have copied the full URL to the directory that has images.

Configure the Import Behavior

In the Import Behavior field, you can choose an action you want to happen:

  • Add/Update - Add new or update existing data, tax classes or categories;
  • Replace Existing Complex Data - Replace existing product data with new (Caution! This will cause all existing data to be removed.);
  • Delete Entities - Delete any entity that already exists in your database.

Set the following field to Stop on Error or Skip Error Entries.

In the Allowed Errors Count field, enter the number of errors to pause the import process.

In the Field separator and Multiple value separator fields, leave the default as “,” since the default separator in CSV file is a comma. 

Import CSV File

In the File to Import section, click on Choose File. Find the CSV file you want to upload and click Open

In the Images File Directory field, enter the path to the uploaded files on the Magento server or the full URL to the images on another server.

In the upper-right corner, click on Check Data and wait for the process to complete.

If the file is valid, click the Import button shown in the Validation Results. 

If the file is not valid, a message will appear to let you know. Correct the stated problem and try again.

A message will appear to inform you when the process is complete.

View the Import History

If you want to track or review your uploads, you can check your import history. On your Admin sidebar, click on System -> Data Transfer -> Import History

In the import history table, you can track all the import/export actions.

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