WordPress Course Catalog Plugin - Settings - Course Page

Course Page

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What Are These Settings?

These settings alter the look and feel of the course page.


To configure the course pages in the WordPress Course Catalog plugin, head to Admin Dashboard â†’ Course Catalog Pro â†’ Settings → Course Page tab.

Course page settings tab - WordPress Plugin for Online Courses
Course page settings tab

Course Page Defaults

These are the general settings which apply to course pages:

Course page settings - E Learning WordPress Plugin
Course page settings
  • Default template - Choose a default theme to display on the front-end of the website. Select the template from the list.

    Note that to each course page has a selector to define the template. To apply this template to all, check the next option.

    Learn how to create custom templates: Advanced - Creating and Applying Custom Templates

  • Allow to override the global label "Back to the Course Catalog index" - Enable this option if you want to override the global "Back to the Course Catalog index" label for each specific course. Note: this option was introduced in version 1.3.10.
  • Apply template for existing courses - Applies the theme chosen in the previous setting to all courses.

    Warning! This option cannot be reverted.

    Learn how to create custom templates: Advanced - Creating and Applying Custom Templates

  • Display course page date of publish - Show or hide the course publication date. The date is shown at the bottom of the course page.
  • Display course page last date of update - Show or hide the last date after the course has been updated. The date is shown at the bottom of the course page.
  • Add Meta description - Uses the course pitch field as the meta description. Useful to speed up SEO improvement. Note: this feature is available only in the Enterprise Edition of the WordPress Course Catalog plugin since the version 1.4.0.

    Meta description is the text search engines use as an excerpt in their results. Learn more: Meta Description - 2020 SEO Best Practices - Moz

  • Copy to Yoast SEO - If this option is enabled, then the title and description of the course will be automatically copied to Yoast SEO. Note: this feature is available only in the Enterprise Edition of the WordPress Course Catalog plugin since the version 1.4.0.
  • Show WordPress sidebar - Show or hide the WordPress sidebar section on the course pages.
  • Show WordPress comments - Show or hide the WordPress comments section on the course pages.
  • Show back to course catalog index link - Show or hide the index link Back to Course Catalog on the course page.

    Example of the backlink - LMS Plugin for WordPress
    Example of the backlink
  • Enable Lightbox - Applies the WordPress Lightbox on pictures and videos on the course pages.

    This means clicking on pictures or videos will open them as a highlight in the same page, instead of in a new tab.

  • Display Map - Displays map on side bar of the course page. There are three options: 
    • Show embed map
    • Do not show map
    • Show link to map
  • Shows address in paragraph format - Show or hide the address information that will be displayed as a single paragraph without labels on the side box of the course pages.

    Two views of the address - LMS WordPress Plugin for Courses
    Two views of the address
  • Hide expired periods - Show or hide the expired course periods. If this option is enabled, the periods which are expired would be hidden.
    • Show

      Displaying course periods - WordPress Plugin for Online Courses
      Displaying course periods
    • Hide - If hide is chosen, you can also hide only after a certain amount of days. So, inputting "7" would mean that the period would still be visible seven days after it's completed.

      Hiding course periods - WordPress Plugin for Courses
      Hiding course periods

Course Location Map

Course location map settings - WordPress Plugin for Online Courses
Course location map settings
  • Show Location - Show or hide Location on the course page.
  • Show a Google map - Show or hide a Google map on the course page.
  • Get a Google Key/Authentication - To show Google maps, you will need to create and add a Google Maps API. Please go to Google Developers to get the Key. Learn more about Adding API Keys.

Course Statistics

Course statistics settings - WordPress Plugin for Creating Online Courses
Course statistics settings
  • Who can view course statistics block - Specify users who can get access to the course statistics block on the course page. 

Side Box Information

Side box information settings - WordPress Course Catalog Plugin
Side box information settings


These settings affect the side box on the top left of the page.

Example of the sidebox - WordPress LMS Addon
Example of the sidebox
  • Display course banner - Show or hide a course banner on the course page.
  • Display Address - Display or hide location information on the upper part or side bar of the course page.
  • Display Categories - Display or hide categories information on the course page. Show categories on top/ left sidebar or hide completely.
  • Display Tags - Display or hide tags on the course page. Show tags on top/ left sidebar or hide completely.
  • Show Period Select Widget - Show or hide the widget allowing to select the period visible on the Frontend.
Period select widget - WordPress LMS Plugin
Period select widget
  • Widget Fields - These fields will be displayed in the widget options if the previous settings is enabled. You can reorder and hide or show them: Date From, Date To, Start Time, Start End, Amount of meetings, Location, Code.
Configuring widget fields - WordPress Course Catalog Plugin
Configuring widget fields
  • Border color - Choose the color of the border of the widget. Accepts hex, rgb, and hsl values. Examples: #000000, rgb(221 221 221) or hsl(0deg 0% 87%).
  • Background color - Choose the color of the background of the widget. Accepts hex, rgb, and hsl values. Examples: #000000, rgb (221 221 221), or hsl (0deg 0% 87%).
  • Padding [in px] - Change the padding of the widget. Padding is the space between the content and its borders. Learn more: CSS padding property

Related Courses

Related courses settings - WordPress Plugin for Online Courses
Related courses settings
  • Show related courses - Enable or disable the related course widget that will be displayed on the course page.
  • Related course by category - Show or hide the related courses. If this option is enabled, related courses will have the same category as the displayed course.
  • Number of related courses - Add a number of related courses to show.

Course Page Colors

Course page colors settings - WordPress Plugin for Creating Online Courses
Course page colors settings
  • Course page background - The background color for the course page
  • Course social section text color - The color for the text in the social section box
  • Course social section link color - The color for links in the social section box
  • Course social section link on hover color - The color for links on hover in the social section box
  • Course social section background color - The color for social box background
  • Course address section text color - The color for text in the address section
  • Course address section link color - The color for links in the address section
  • Course address section link on hover color - The color for links on hover in the address section
  • Course address section background color - The color for address section background

Additional Links

Additional links settings - LMS Plugin for WordPress
Additional links settings
  • Show additional custom links - Show or hide additional custom links on the course page in the course social information section
  • First custom link label - This label will be shown on the course page in the social information section
  • First custom link icon - This icon will be shown on the course page in the social information section
  • Second custom link label - This label will be shown on the course page in the social information section
  • Second custom link icon - This icon will be shown on the course page in the social information section
  • Third custom link label - This label will be shown on the course page in the social information section
  • Third custom link icon - This icon will be shown on the course page in the social information section
  • Fourth custom link label - This label will be shown on the course page in the social information section
  • Fourth custom link icon - This icon will be shown on the course page in the social information section

Additional Fields

Additional fields settings - LMS WordPress Plugin for Courses
Additional fields settings
  • Show additional custom fields - Show or hide additional custom fields on the course page social information section
  • First custom field label - This label will be shown on the course page in the social information section
  • First custom field icon - This icon will be shown on the course page in the social information section
  • First custom field position - Select the place where this field should be displayed
  • Second custom field label - This label will be shown on the course page in the social information section
  • Second custom field icon - This icon will be shown on the course page in the social information section
  • Second custom field position - Select the place where this field should be displayed
  • Third custom field label - This label will be shown on the course page in the social information section
  • Third custom field icon - This icon will be shown on the course page in the social information section
  • Third custom field position - Select the place where this field should be displayed
  • Fourth custom field label - This label will be shown on the course page in the social information section
  • Fourth custom field icon - This icon will be shown on the course page in the social information section
  • Fourth custom field position - Select the place where this field should be displayed

Periods (Hiding Fields, Desktop vs. Mobile)

Reorder, show or hide different columns of the periods table by dragging the field.

You can set different viewing options for desktop and mobile devices.

Showing or hiding period columns - WordPress Plugin for Online Courses
Showing or hiding period columns

Column Price

Note: The column Price was introduced in version 1.3.1.

Now you can display different prices that are set for different periods in the table Periods on the front-end.

Price column - WordPress Plugin for Courses
Price column

Learn more about setting up variable prices for the course: Course Catalog Payments - How To - Set Price To Course

Date and Time Format

This section allows you to configure the date and time format displayed in periods.

Date and time format settings - E Learning WordPress Plugin
Date and time format settings
  • Date format - Choose the date format for displaying Start date and End date in Periods on the back-end and front-end. Note: this option was introduced in version 1.3.0.


    When you update the old version of the plugin to 1.3.0 you need to convert all your dates to a single format. Learn more about it: WordPress Course Catalog Plugin - Troubleshooting

  • Time format - Choose the time format for displaying Start time and End time in Periods on the front-end. Note: this option was introduced in version 1.3.5.
  • Show week day after the date - Enable it to show the week day after the date. Note: this option was introduced in version 1.3.4.
Displaying week day - WordPress LMS Addon
Displaying week day
  • Date merge - If enabled, when Start Date and End Date are the same - only Start Date will be displayed. Note: this option was introduced in version 1.3.4.
Merging start and end dates - WordPress LMS Plugin
Merging start and end dates

More information about the WordPress Course Catalog Plugin

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