Order Highlighter (M2) - Creating and Managing Highlights

Managing Highlights

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The order highlighter options are simply to manage by navigating to CMINDS → ORDER HIGHLIGHT in the Admin Panel. 
The extension allows you to filter all the created highlights by its ID, Title, Background Color, Foreground Color and Status. You can also edit each order highlight in the list by clicking on the highlight.

Adding Highlights

To add order highlights, please click on the Add New button and in the Order Highlight tab you will be able to set the following options:

Title - enter a title for your highlight. The field is required. 

Select option - choose an option in the dropdown to apply your highlight to. The option is required. The following options are available: 

  • Order Status
  • Payment Methods
  • Shipping Method

Multiple Order - if the option is enabled, the extension will highlight multiple orders.

Background Color - allows specifying a background color for the highlight. Click on the field to pick colors in the appeared palette.

Foreground Color - allows specifying a foreground color for the highlight. Click on the field to pick colors in the appeared palette.

Status - allows the admin to disable or enable the highlight.

Remember to click on Save Item to create your new highlight status.

Order Highlight Options

Option 1) Order Status

Once you select Order Status in the dropdown, a multiple listbox will appear below the option:

Order Status - shows available order statuses and allows selecting an order status in the list. You can choose multiple order statuses in bulk, thus all the chosen orders will be highlighted with the certain colors. The field is required.

Option 2) Payment Methods

If you choose the Payment Methods option, a multiple listbox will appear below the option:

Payment Method - shows available payment methods and allows choosing a payment method that will be highlighted with the certian colors. It's possible to choose multiple methods in bulk. The field is required.

Option 3) Shipping Method

If you select the Shipping Method option, a multiple listbox will appear below the option:

Shipping Method - shows available shipping methods and allows selecting a shipping method that will be highlighted with the certain color. It's possible to choose multiple methods in bulk. The field is required.

Get more information about the Order Status Highlighter for Magento®2.

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