Multi-Vendor Marketplace - Supplier - Creating Products

Creating Products (Supplier Side)

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To add a new product, click “Add a Product” in the navigation bar of the Supplier Panel. 

After defining your product's attribute set and type, you will see the Add Product form which allows suppliers to describe and characterize their new product.

Basic requirements

Some fields are mandatory in order to properly publish your new product. These fields are:

  • General
    • Product Name
    • Short Description
    • Detailed Description
  • Pricing
    • Price
  • SKU Configuration
    • SKU
    • Product Weight
  • Inventory
    • Manage Stock?
    • Is in Stock
    • QTY Available 

Special Offers

Suppliers can also define a special offer or deal for a product, and limit the period of time for which that special offer will be available for customers.

Adding Images

Suppliers can also add one or more product images on the right side of the form.

To set any picture as the main picture for the product, just click on the house icon in the thumbnail of the selected image. It will now have a green border around it indicating that it is the main product picture.

Selecting categories

The next step is to select the product categories, which is a required operation.

If the product is not assigned to any category, customers will not be able to find it in the store catalog. 

It is possible to configure the categories and define which will be visible to specific vendors from the Admin Panel. For more information, please read Restrict Categories per Vendor (Admin Side) article.

After filling out all the required fields in the Add a Product form, remember to click on the Save Product button!

Requiring Edited Products to Be Re-approved

With vendors adding and managing their own products on your store it may become necessary to require approval before changes can be made on the store.

To do this, start by navigating to System → Configuration → SUPPLIER FRONTEND PRODUCT UPLOADER → Configuration

Check Yes in the Edited Products need to be a re-approved option. Then click save config.

Now if a Vendor edits an item in the vendor panel the status will change to pending and will need Admin approval.

After the Product has been edited and the status has been changed to Pending the product will be made invisible on the store until the admin approves the change.

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