WordPress Review Plugin - How To - Retrieve a User's IP Address from a Review Submission

Retrieving a User's IP Address from a Review Submission

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Note: This feature is relevant to GDPR compliance. Learn more: User Data Privacy and GDPR Compliance

Turning Setting On/Off

The settings for this feature can be found under Admin Dashboard → CM Reviews → Settings → GDPR Settings.

Enabling collecting IP addresses - WordPress Rating System
Enabling collecting IP addresses


If you wish to manage a User's IP Address, you can retrieve this by doing the following steps:

1) From the Admin dashboard, navigate to the Edit Post page of the specific post where the review was left for, as shown below (and as instructed in the image, scroll down to find the Manage Post Reviews metabox):

Post editing page - Customer Reviews Plugin
Post editing page

2) Once you find the Manage Post Reviews metabox on the page, bring your attention to the Author field of the reviews received for the current post.

Author column - WordPress Plugin Star Rating for Reviews
Author column

Here you will find the Author's:

  • User Name
  • E-mail address
  • IP Address

Congratulations! You have successfully retrieved a user's IP address from a review submission!

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