WordPress File Manager Plugin (CMDM) - Shortcodes - List of Files from a Category

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The WordPress File Manager plugin has a shortcode for displaying a list of files from a certain category.

Shortcode: [cmdm-files-list]

Displaying a list of files from a category - WP File Download Plugin
Displaying a list of files from a category

The parameters for this shortcode are (all optional):

Query parameters:

  • category - show only chosen categories categories. Enter category's term_id or slug.
  • Examples:
    • [cmdm-files-list category=123] - using one category's term_id
    • [cmdm-files-list category=important-documents,sensitive_images] - using categories' slug
  • tags - filter downloads by tags.
  • Examples:
    • [cmdm-files-list tags="tag-1"] - using single tag
    • [cmdm-files-list tags="one,two,three"] - using multiple tags
  • author - show only downloads of the specific user.
  • Examples:
    • [cmdm-files-list author=123] - using user's ID
    • [cmdm-files-list author=john] - using user's nice name
  • query - search for a specific text in the downloads' title or description.
  • Example:
    • [cmdm-files-list query="health care"]
  • limit  - limit the results.
  • Example:
    • [cmdm-files-list limit=10]
  • page - display the specific pagination page.
  • emptycategories  - display the empty categories (works in the categories or tree view).
  • Examples:
    • [cmdm-files-list emptycategories=0]  - hide empty categories
    • [cmdm-files-list emptycategories=1]  - show empty categories

User Interface parameters

  • view - display downloads in a specific view.
  • Examples:
    • [cmdm-files-list view=list] - downloads displayed as a simple list (default)
    • [cmdm-files-list view=categories] - downloads arranged by linear categories list
    • [cmdm-files-list view=tree] - downloads arranged by tree of categories
  • search - enable or disable the downloads' AJAX-based search engine field (search results will be requested from the server).
  • Examples:
    • [cmdm-files-list search=0] - search field not shown
    • [cmdm-files-list search=1] - search field is visible
  • filter - enable or disable the downloads' filter field. Filtered downloads will be not requested from the server which may increase the performance, but user can filter only from the downloads that has been already displayed in the web browser so it doesn't search through the pagination.
  • Examples:
    • [cmdm-files-list filter=0]</span> - filter not shown</li> <li><code>[cmdm-files-list filter=1] - filter is visible
  • categoryfilter - enable or disable filtering downloads by category.
  • Examples:
    • [cmdm-files-list categoryfilter=0] - category filter not shown
    • [cmdm-files-list categoryfilter=1] - category filter visible
  • datefilter  - enable or disable filtering downloads by date (month and year). Default value is 1. Note: this option was introduced in version 4.4.6.
  • Examples:
    • [cmdm-files-list datefilter=0]  - date filter not shown
    • [cmdm-files-list datefilter=1]  - date filter visible
  • userfilter  - enable or disable filtering downloads by its author.
  • Examples:
    • [cmdm-files-list userfilter=0]  - user filter not shown
    • [cmdm-files-list userfilter=1]  - user filter visible
  • tagsfilter - enable or disable filtering downloads by tags.
  • Examples:
    • [cmdm-files-list tagsfilter=0] - tags filter not shown
    • [cmdm-files-list tagsfilter=1] - tags filter visible
  • toggletree  - enable or disable the categories collapsing mode (works only for view=tree).
  • Examples:
    • [cmdm-files-list toggletree=0]  - user won't be able to collapse the categories
    • [cmdm-files-list toggletree=1]  - user will be able to collapse the categories
  • usercontrols - enable or disable user's buttons as "Edit" or "Delete".
  • Examples:
    • [cmdm-files-list usercontrols=0] - user controls not shown
    • [cmdm-files-list usercontrols=1] - user controls visible
  • sort  - sort downloads by:
    • post_title - post title ascending
    • post_title_desc  - post title descending
    • menu_order  - menu order field
    • downloads  - downloads number
    • views  - views number
    • rating  - rating
    • newest  - order by post_date field descending
    • post_modified  - order by post_modified field descending
    • Example: [cmdm-files-list sort=rating]
  • recursive  - obtain downloads from the categories and its subcategories recursively (works only when using the categories or tree view).
  • Examples:
    • [cmdm-files-list recursive=0]  - don't use recursion (default)
    • [cmdm-files-list recursive=1]  - use recursion
  • upload - display the upload button.
  • Examples:
    • [cmdm-files-list upload=0] - upload button not shown (default)
    • [cmdm-files-list upload=1] - upload button is visible
  • permalink - make the download's title a permalink to its page.
  • Examples:
    • [cmdm-files-list permalink=0] - title is not a permalink (default)
    • [cmdm-files-list permalink=1] - title is a permalink
  • scroll - scroll down the browser window to the downloads' list after each filtering.
  • Examples:
    • [cmdm-files-list scroll=0] - don't scroll
    • [cmdm-files-list scroll=1] - enable scrolling (default)
  • details  - display the download's details.
  • Examples:
    • [cmdm-files-list details=0]  - don't display details
    • [cmdm-files-list details=1]  - view details (default)
  • showauthor - display the download's author.
  • Examples:
    • [cmdm-files-list showauthor=0] - hide author
    • [cmdm-files-list showauthor=1] - show author
  • showdate - display the download's publish date (default: 0).
  • Examples:
    • [cmdm-files-list showdate=1] - show date
    • [cmdm-files-list showdate=0] - hide date (default)
  • customfields  - display the download's custom fields (default: 0).
  • Examples:
    • [cmdm-files-list customfields=1] - show custom fields
    • [cmdm-files-list customfields=0] - hide custom fields (default)
  • urlfilter  - enable URL filtering. You can add an additional query conditions from the URL query search parameters.
  • Examples:
    • [cmdm-files-list urlfilter=0]  - disable URL filtering (default)
    • [cmdm-files-list urlfilter=1]  - enable URL filtering

      Available URL query parameters: cmdmfl_catcmdmfl_tagcmdmfl_search


  • newcard  - Download files in the new browser's card (default: 1).
  • Examples:
    • [cmdm-files-list newcard=1]  - enable this option (default)
    • [cmdm-files-list newcard=0]  - disable this option
  • desctrimwords  - Maximum number of words from the download's description to show (default: 20).
  • Examples:
    • [cmdm-files-list desctrimwords=25]  - Set maximum amount of words to 25 words

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