Marketplace Multi-Vendor - Supplier View - Reports

Order Reports (Supplier Side)

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To access reports about your orders, navigate to Reports → Orders on the Supplier Panel.

Here you will find a detailed report of all of your orders, including Quantity Sold, Subtotal and Net Income.

It is possible to apply filters based on dates and group the results by time period: Day, Month or Year.

The chosen report can be exported to CSV. 

Products Reports (Supplier Side)

Similarly, the supplier can access reports on his or her products grouped by the categories: Bestsellers, Ordered Items, Most Viewed and Low Stock.

Bestsellers Report

Shows the products that were sold in the highest quantity in the specified time period.

Ordered Items Report

Shows all products that were ordered in the specified time period.

Most Viewed Products Report

Shows the products that were viewed the most times in the specified time period.

Low Stock Report

Shows the products whose stock levels are low.

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