Appointment Booking Calendar - Integration - Scheduling Zoom Meetings

Scheduling Zoom Meetings Via Calendar

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What is This Feature?

With Appointment Booking Calendar it's possible to schedule Zoom meetings directly from Booking Calendar. 

Every new booking will generate a corresponding Zoom call.

What is Zoom

Zoom is a conferencing platform that supports audio, video and screen sharing. Learn more: Zoom


  • Only 100 meeting requests every 24 hours
  • Every calendar requires a unique Zoom app
  • The expiration time for the `start_url` field is two hours for all regular users.


In order to use this feature, you must following steps. 

How to get Zoom API

This step is required once per calendar.

Zoom Resource

Zoom as a detailed guide on this: JSON Web Tokens (JWT) - Build an App - Documentation

Below we list what's important to our plugin.

Creating new App in Zoom - Best WordPress Scheduling Plugin
Creating new App in Zoom
  • Log in with your Zoom credentials
  • If prompted over which app type to create, click Create on the app type JWT
Choosing JWT type - WordPress Scheduling Plugin
Choosing JWT type
  • Add a name (it's not important)
Adding a name - Appointment Scheduling Plugin WordPress
Adding a name
  • Fill the App details (these are also not important for the integration itself)
Filling needed details - Event Booking Calendar WordPress Plugin
Filling needed details
  • Copy the API Key and API Secret
Copying API Key and Secret - WordPress Calendar Booking Plugin
Copying API Key and Secret

Connecting Calendar to Zoom

  • Edit a calendar. Locate and enable the option Schedule Zoom meetings. A few new options will appear under it.

    Connecting calendar to Zoom - Booking Plugin WordPress
    Connecting calendar to Zoom
  • You will see the fields Zoom API Key and Zoom API secret. Paste the values there. The email should also be a perfect match.

    Filling needed fields to connect to Zoom - WordPress Plugin for Scheduling Consultations
    Filling needed fields to connect to Zoom
  • You can test the connection by pressing the Test button.

    Testing Zoom connection - Best WordPress Scheduling Plugin
    Testing Zoom connection

One Zoom Link to Event for Multiple Visitors

Using the option Booking Spots you can allow to book one slot to more than one client in :

Specifying the amount of spots for each booking slot - Appointment Booking Calendar
Specifying the amount of spots for each booking slot

To generate one unified Zoom link for all participant of that event, you need to enable the option Create one zoom link to event.

Creating one zoom link to event - WordPress Scheduling Plugin
Creating one zoom link to event

Note: this option was introduced in version 1.8.1.

Adding Zoom Info to Email Notifications

Don't forget to add the Zoom link to notifications, otherwise users will not receive it.

The placeholder {booking-zoom-link} will be replaced by the Zoom link attached to that booking.

Learn more:

Adding a link to the email notification - Appointment Scheduling Plugin WordPress
Adding a link to the email notification

Appointment Booking Calendar - Appointments - Appointments Notifications

TIP: Calendars With and Without Zoom

Email templates apply to all calendars, whether they have Zoom integration or not.

In calendars without Zoom integration, the {booking-zoom-link} placeholder will show different labels. You can configure them from the Labels settings.

Zoom labels - Event Booking Calendar WordPress Plugin
Zoom labels

Admin - Finding The Zoom Link

The admin can review the Zoom link of all bookings at any time by simply checking its Details.

Checking booking details - WordPress Calendar Booking Plugin
Checking booking details

And then the Booking metabox, where the Zoom meeting link is located.

Where to find the link to the Zoom meeting - Booking Plugin WordPress
Where to find the link to the Zoom meeting

More information about the Appointment Booking Calendar plugin for WordPress

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