Custom Coupons - Configuration

General Configuration

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You can access the main configuration screen by clicking System → Configuration → SALES → Custom Coupons Error Messages.

The main configuration screen is broken down into sections with a number of options.

Module enabled

Choose whether or not the module will be active. If the module is disabled, the rest of the options will be hidden. The extension is enabled by default.

Message when coupon does not exist

This error message will be displayed when the customer enters a coupon code which does not exist.

Params: Use %s to show the customer the provided coupon code.

Coupon code exists but does not apply to the rule conditions

This error message will be displayed when the provided coupon exists, but does not match the conditions of the coupon rule.

Params: Use %s to show the customer the provided coupon code.

Coupon code exists but has expired

This error message will be displayed when the coupon provided exists, but has expired.

Params: Use %s to show the customer the provided coupon code.

Customer doesn’t belong to the assigned customer group

This error message will be displayed when the customer, who provided the coupon code, does not belong to the customer groups defined in the rule configuration.

Params: Use %s to show the customer the provided coupon code.

Coupon Reached Limit of Use by Customer Group

This error message will be displayed when the coupon code has reached the usage limit for a specific customer group.

Params: Use %s to show the customer the provided coupon code.

Coupon Reached Limit of Use

This error message will be displayed when the coupon code reached the usage limit.

Params: Use %s to show the customer the provided coupon code.

Any other error messages applies

This is the default error message that will be displayed when none of the other error messages apply.

Params: Use %s to show the customer the provided coupon code.

Finally, remember to Save the Configuration!

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