Installation guide

There are two ways to install a Magento Extension:

Install via Magento Connect

If you are unfamiliar with extensions installation via Magento Connect, please read this article.

Install Manually

  1. Data Backup.
    Backup your Data to your Magento database and web directory. 
    In the Magento admin panel, go to  System → Tools â†’ Backup.
  2. Disable Compiler. (If you are running an older version, 1.4 and lower, you can skip this step.)
    In the Magento admin panel, go to System → Tools â†’ Compilation.In case "Compiler Status" is "Enabled", click on the “Disable” button.
  3. Download Extension and Extract Download.
    When you download the extension, it will appear as a zip file. Unzip extension contents on your computer and navigate inside the extracted folder.
  4. Upload Files to Magento Folder. 
    Upload extension files to the main Magento folder.
  5. Clear Cache.
    In the Magento admin panel, go to System â†’ Cache Management and press the Flush Magento Cache button.
  6. Final Step. Navigate to Catalog → Manage Categories.
  7. In the 'General' tab, change the value of ' Available for Supplier?' to 'No'.


    You can access the main configuration screen by clicking  System â†’ Configuration, and on the left menu: SUPPLIER FRONTEND PRODUCT UPLOADER → Configuration.


    • Module enabled: Admin chooses to enable or disable the module. If module is disabled, then rest of the options are hidden.  Default  is disabled.
    • Supplier  needs to be approved: Admin chooses if new suppliers need to be approved by  admin  or not. If approval of admin is required suppliers can't  login  until  get  approval. Admin  get  the email notification about new suppliers - Supplier also  get  the notification that he or she needs to be approved.
    • Allow auto approval of products: Admin chooses to let the suppliers add/edit their products with or without an approval of admin.  Default  is No.


    • Link label in customer account panel: Determines the label of the link to the supplier panel in the customer account dashboard on the front-end.  Default  is “Vendor Portal”.
    • Header in Supplier Panel: Shows the header in the supplier panel. You can determine what header you want to show. Options:
      1. Don’t Show – Doesn’t show any header
      2. Show Custom – Show custom header created in extension template
      3. Show Default – Show default header of the template used in the store
    • Footer in Supplier Panel: Shows footer in supplier panel. You can determine what footer you want to show. Options:
      1. Don’t Show – Doesn’t show any footer
      2. Show Custom – Show custom footer created in extension template
      3. Show Default – Show default footer of the template used in the store
    • Include jQuery: if you use a custom theme and you include jQuery by default, please select 'No' to prevent errors.

    Registration and Login

    • Use separated login page: allows suppliers to login in separate page, the path to this page is
    • Allow suppliers to register: allows suppliers to register in separate page, the path to this page is
    • Group of registered supplier: this option defines what group of customer  new  registered suppliers are going to be.

    Suppliers Group

    • Supplier group: Group of customers which will have access to the supplier panel. This group of suppliers can add products.  Default  is Supplier.
    • Supplier group which can edit own products: Group of customers that will have access to the supplier panel. Customers can add products and have access to edit their products.  Default  is Supplier Pro.

    Suppliers Notifications

    • Notify supplier when  product  was approved: Defines if  supplier  will be notified if his or her product was approved by admin.
    • Email title when product was approved: Title of the email which will be sent to the supplier when his product was approved.Default is empty.
    • Email text on product was approved: Body of the email which will be sent to the supplier when his product was approved. Default is empty.
    • Notify supplier when product was ordered: Defines if supplier will be notified if his or her product was ordered.
    • Email title when product was ordered: Title of the email which will be sent to the supplier when his product was ordered. Default is empty.
    • Email text on product was ordered: Body of the email which will be sent to the supplier when his product was ordered. Default is empty.

    Finally, remember to  Save the Configuration!

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