Order Approval Manager - Notification Emails

Notification Emails

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A lot of the process of the Order Approval Extension happens in emails between the person Requesting the Approval and the person Granting it or Proceeding with the Order. Bellow are outlined the basic stages of notification emails sent by Order Approval Manager.

Order Request Notification Email

The First email to go out is the Request email for the Order requesting that the Payer proceed with the order.

It carries the store logo, explains that someone has made an order and is requesting that they approve and pay for it, contains links to either go to the store and complete the order " Complete Order" or else cancel the order then and there "Cancel Order".

Other Key information is provided relating to the order:

  • Billing and Shipping Addresses
  • Shipping Method
  • Payment Information
  • Order Number
  • Items ordered, price, quantity, SKU.
  • A sum total

Should the Payer click on 'Complete Order' they will be redirected to the checkout page of the store. Here they can choose to log in or continue as a guest to proceed with the order.

If they choose 'Cancel Order' the order will be automatically cancelled. They will be redirected to the store but instead will see a success message informing them that the order has been cancelled. At the same time as the Order Request email being sent to the Payer an email Notification will be sent to the Requester informing them that the request has been sent.

Order Completion Notification Email

Following the Successful completion of the order by the payer

Order Cancelled Notification Email

Should the Payer decide to cancel the order both the Payer and the Requester will receive notification emails informing them of the successful cancellation.

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