Marketplace - Bargain Price - General Usage

Supplier View

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In order to allow the product to accept price suggestions, the Supplier must go to his Vendor Panel → Product List.

On the selected product, he must set the Tradeable field to Yes.

Managing suggestions

When a customer send a suggestion to the product price, the supplier receives an email with the options to accept or reject it.

In order to see a list with all price suggestions and correspondent status, the supplier can go to Vendor Panel → Trades.

If the supplier chooses to reject the price offer, he can send a note to the customer with further information on his decision.

Customer View

When activating this module, logged customers will be able to send a price suggestion on the Product Page.

After supplier accepted or refused the price suggestion, the customer receives an email with the updated information.

The customer can also follow a link to his or her cart where the product will have updated price.

Admin View

The admin can see the list of suggested prices and status by navigating to Suppliers → Manage Trades.

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