WP Popup Plugin (CMP) - Video Popup

Video Popup

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With the WP Popup Plugin you can trigger the popup to appear once hovering or clicking over an element on the page. Popup can also contain a video.


Example of a video popup - WordPress Plugin Popup
Example of a video popup

To create a video popup, navigate to the Admin Dashboard → CM Pop-Up Banners → Add New Campaign.

Adding new popup campaign - WordPress popups
Adding new popup campaign

To display video (for example from Vimeo) in the popup, place <iframe> element with video URL as src attribute in the content (make sure you are in Text mode). 

You can also set weight and height attributes like shown below:

<iframe src="//player.vimeo.com/video/VIDEO_ID" width="650px" height="360px" style="width: 640px; height: 360px;"></iframe>

Adding video to the popup - WordPress Popup Form
Adding video to the popup

Scroll down to the Campaign Options.

In Basic Visual tab set values for Width and Heights as for iframe attributes.

Setting up the size of a popup - Lead Generation Plugin
Setting up the size of a popup

Click on Activity tab. Here you can decide when a video popup should be displayed. Read more about triggers here.

Setting up when to fire the popup - Popup Campaign Plugin
Setting up when to fire the popup

To complete Campaign set the rest of popup options (read more here) and publish Campaign.

Adding an AutoPlay

Making the video autoplay depends on the parameters you use in the iframe and depends on the platform you use (Vimeo, Youtube, Wistia or other)

For YouTube you need to pass something like this:

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="[YouTube Video URL]?rel=0&autoplay=1" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

For Vimeo simply add '&autoplay=true' at the end of your embed src URL.

More information about the WP Popup Plugin

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