WP Popup Plugin (CMP) - Adding/Editing Campaign
Add New Campaign
Navigate to the Admin Dashboard → CM Pop-Up Banners for WordPress PRO → Add New Campaign.

Enter a title for the new campaign in the provided box. The title will not be shown on the popup itself but will help you identify the popup campaign in the plugin statistic panel.

In the Advertisement Items box, enter the content for the popup campaign in the box, as well as any other media, links, etc.

Underneath the box, click on the Add Advertisement Item button to add the new popup banner. This is used in cases where you want to have a random popup to show up or once you have a new and old copy you want to choose between. Click on Show AdDesigner to use a visual designer for the popup banners. Learn more about how to work with AdDesigner.

Banner Types
The WP Popup Plugin has 3 types of popups:
Popup Banner

The popup banner can be text only, image only or a mix of both. In the above example, an image was used. You can also place a video inside the box if needed.
Fly-In Banner

Same for Fly-In. It just appears on the corner of the page.
Full Page

Campaign Options
Basic Visual
In this section, you can define the size, shape and position of the popup.
Select the settings for the Basic Visual tab in the popup campaign options box.

- Disable campaign - If this checkbox is selected, then this popup campaign will not be displayed.
- Type - Choose the type of popup campaign you want from the drop-down menu.
- Pop-Up - modal on the center of the screen, with tinted background.
- Fly-In Bottom - modal in the bottom right corner of the page.
- Full Screen - displays the modal on the full screen, with the background color covering the whole site.
- Fly-In Bottom (Position) - You can choose the Fly-In Bottom position. Choose between:
- Left
- Center
Note: this option was introduced in version 1.5.4.
- Advertisement items rotating time in Fly-In Bottom - Set the time of rotating the popups within that campaign. The time is set in seconds. This option works only if you choose random way of displaying popups in the option Display method. Note: this option was introduced in version 1.5.4.
- Display method - Click the box to select the display method for the popup campaign, either Random or Selected. This is used when you have several items available for the same popup. Once selected is used and you have more than one item please choose the one you would like to show up.
- Close time - Close a popup after the specified seconds.
- Close on clicking anywhere - If this checkbox is selected, then this campaign's popup will close on clicking anywhere in the underlay area. Otherwise it will close only when clicked on the close-button in it's corner.
- Width / Height - Enter values in the provided boxes for the campaign width and height. Accepted values include: numbers (in pixels), percents (eg 75%) or "auto".
- Mobile Width / Height - Enter values in the provided boxes for the campaign width and and height on mobile devices. Accepted values include: numbers (in pixels), percents (eg 75%) or "auto".
- Padding - Campaign padding. If blank defaults to 10px. Please input the value in pixels.
- Z-index - The "z-index" of the popup. If you find that the popup is under other elements, increase this value. If blank defaults to 100. Please input an integer value (0-10000000000).
- Background color - Enter a value in the provided box for campaign background color. Accepts also "transparent".
- Background image - Campaign background image. Enter the URL of the image you'd like to use for all of the popups in the campaign.
- Background link - Campaign background URL. Enter the URL that the popups' background will link to.
- Shape - Choose the shape of the modal from the drop-down menu.
- Center content vertically / horizontally - If this checkbox is selected then this campaign's popup content will be centered vertically/horizontally.
Advanced Visual
Define effects, delay, statistics count and behavior - when it appears and for how long.
Select the settings for the Advanced Visual tab in the popup campaign options box.

- Show effect - Choose a show effect for the popup campaign by selecting from the drop-down menu. The show effect will add animation in how the popups will appear.
- Delay to show - Enter a value in the provided box to choose the delay time before the popup appears on the page.
- Show interval - Choose a show interval for the popup campaign by selecting from the drop-down menu.
- Every Time Page Loads - when this option is selected the popup will be displayed every time, on each page where it's set to show
Only First Time Page Loads - when this option is selected, the popup will be displayed for each user once on all of the pages where it's set to show. When this option is chosen, a new option appears: Interval reset time - set how many days after first impression the popup campaign should appear again. If blank defaults to 7 days.
Settings for popup show interval - Once on Any Page - when this option is selected the popup will be displayed just once per user. If it's set to show on multiple pages it will be displayed only on the first one of them.
X amount of times till reset - How many times popup campaign should be shown. The number of times is set in the appearing field Fixed number of times. Resets after the amount of days set in the field Interval reset time. This option is good when you want the user to see the campaign only X amount of time and to reset this count every Y days.
Settings for popup show interval
- Underlay type - Choose the underlying type for the popup campaign from the drop-down menu. Note: this option is displayed only when the Pop-Up type of the banner is chosen in previos tab. In a dark underlay is chosen all the web page content behind the popup will be hard to read while popup appears.
- Statistics clicks counting method - Choose an option for the statistics clicks counting method, either Only one click per banner show or All clicks until close button click. This will affect the information which is collected for the campaign statistics and reports.
Enable a sound triggered when the popup shows.
This tab allows selecting the sound effect accompanying the popup. It can work regardless of the type of campaign.

- Sound effect when the popup shows
- None - No sound will be played.
- Default - The generic sound bundled with the plugin will be played.
- Custom from media library - After selecting this option you'll need to provide the URL of the sound file you would like to play in the field Custom sound effect absolute URL. For the best results, you should first upload the mp3 file to your Library and copy its direct link.
Define where the popup will show and to which users/devices.
Select the settings for the Activity tab in the popup campaign options box.

- User type for pop-up - Select which group of users will see the popup. The options are:
- All users
- Only logged-in
- Only non-logged-in (guests). Note: this was introduced in version 1.3.2.
- Show pop-up after users registration - If this option is enabled, this popup will appear when a guest user successfully registers. It requires the WordPress Registration Form plugin.
- Show on every page - Check the box to display the campaign on all posts and pages.
- Show on homepage - Check the box to display the campaign on the homepage.
- When fire the popup? - Choose when to fire the popup. Read more on this page. Choose between:
- On Pageload
- Element Click
- Element Hover
- After inactive for X seconds - The amount of seconds is set in the appearing field Inactivity time.
- On page leave intent
- Reaching the bottom of page - You can set the distance from the bottom of the page (closing / body tag) in the appearing option Bottom of page distance. Set the value in pixels. If blank defaults to 0px.
- Minimum device width - Enter a value in the provided box to choose a minimum width for the campaign popup. This option let you limit the campaign to show only on non-mobile devices.
- Maximum device width - Similar to the previous option.
- Show on URLs matching pattern - Enter a url to display the popup campaign on the page. You can define a pattern in which this campaign will appear. It can be a category or a permalink path, for example your blog articles - /blog/. This will cover all URL with the following pattern /blog/*.
- Show on selected posts/pages/categories - Select from the drop down menu to choose the specific pages, posts or post categories the campaign will be displayed on. click the add a page button to add a page that is not listed. Note: the ability to choose post categories was added in version 1.6.0.
- Activity dates and Activity days - Read more detailed below.
Activity dates
Determine if the popup campaign will show up only on specific dates.
Click on the blue plus button to set an activation dates for the popup campaign. You can define multiple date range including the exact time per each.

Activity Days
Run the popup campaign at the exact same time every week.
You can specify more than one day for the recurring campaign activity.

Click the blue button to update the popup settings.

Alternative Way of Creating a Campaign
When the popup campaign is created, you can see two new buttons at the top of the page:
- Add New Campaign - Click this button to create a new popup campaign from scratch.
- Clone This Item - Click this button if you want to clone the current popup campaign with all its settings. Note: this option was introduced in version 1.6.0.

When you click Clone This Item, there appears a field where you need to give a name for a new popup campaign. Then click the button Clone to create it.

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More information about the WP Popup Plugin Other WordPress products can be found at CreativeMinds WordPress Store |
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