WP Popup Plugin (CMP) - Use Case - Adding Promo Popup With Countdown and CTA Button

Use Case - Adding Promo Popup With Countdown and CTA Button

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Note: This guide covers features from the Pro version of WP Popup Plugin - This document uses version 1.6.8.


This WP Popup Plugin allows you to show different kinds of popups on your website.

Use Case Front-End

Example 1:

Front-end example 1 - WordPress Popup Form
Front-end example 1

Example 2:

Front-end example 2 - WordPress Popups
Front-end example 2

Use Case Assumptions

In this example use case guide, we'll cover how to create popups which contain countdown and CTA button. We consider that you have already bought the plugin, but not installed it. 

It follows:

Installing the Plugin

The process is the same for all CM plugins.

CreativeMinds Customer Account Dashboard - Downloads tab
CreativeMinds Customer Account Dashboard
  • Download the plugin from your customer dashboard.
  • Log in to WordPress and navigate to the WordPress Admin → Plugins settings.
  • Click on Add New.
  • Activate it and add the license.

Learn more: Getting Started - Plugin Overview

Quick Recap

In this use case we will focus on displaying countdowns and CTA buttons. To learn more detailed about the basic process of creating popups, please, check this use case guide:

Displaying Countdown

The plugin allows to display a countdown - it is done using a shortcode, so you can use it either in the popup or anywhere else on your site.


This shortcode has a few parameters.


  • time - Here you need to set the date and time value. It can be set in 2 formats: as a timestamp (if the parameter strtotime="0"), or in textual format (if the parameter strtotime="1").
  • strtotime - Controls how the time is interpreted. The default value is "0". Learn more about it.
  • inverse - Allows to choose one of 2 styles. Can be set "0" or "1". The default value is "0".

Example #1:

Let's use the timestamp format of time and place it on a page. In this case it will always show the countdown for the time we defined, for example - 9th September 2024. We convert this date to Unix timestamp format - to 1725642881. It means, the countdown will be to the specified date. The shortcode will be:

[cmpop_countdown time="1725642881" strtotime="0" inverse="0"]


Front-end example - Lead Generation Plugin
Front-end example

Example #2:

Let's use textual time format and change the color style of the countdown and place it on a page. In this case it will always show the countdown for the time we defined, for example - 3 days. It means, every time you refresh the page it will countdown from 3 days. The shortcode will be:

[cmpop_countdown time="+3 DAYS" strtotime="1" inverse="1"]


Front-end example - Popup Campaign Plugin
Front-end example

Displaying CTA Button

The plugin allows to display a customizable CTA button with a link - it is also done using a shortcode, so you can use it either in the popup or anywhere else on your site.


This shortcode has a few parameters.


  • color - Choose the color of a button between "orange" or "green" for button types "button" or "iframe".
  • label - Enter the text which will be displayed inside of the button.
  • type - Choose the type of a button between "button", "simple" or "iframe".
  • url - Enter the link to external URL for button types "button" or "simple", or URL to image for "iframe".

Example 1:

[cmpop_cta color="orange" label="Get Discount NOW" type="button" url="https://example.com/"]


Front-end example - WP Popups
Front-end example

Example 2:

[cmpop_cta color="green" label="Get Discount NOW" type="button" url="https://example.com/"]


Front-end example - WP Popup Plugin
Front-end example

Example 3:

[cmpop_cta label="Learn more about this shortcode" type="simple" url="https://creativeminds.helpscoutdocs.com/article/2965-cm-pop-up-banners-cmpb-shortcodes"]


Front-end example - Timed Popup WordPress Plugin
Front-end example

Creating Popup

With the WP Popup plugin ready to go, it's time to create a popup.

Navigate to the Admin Dashboard → CM Pop-Up Banners Pro → Add New Campaign or to Admin Dashboard → CM Pop-Up Banners Pro → Campaigns and then click the button Add New Campaign.

Creating new popup campaign - Best WordPress Popup Plugin
Creating new popup campaign

First, you need to add a popup campaign title - it is used only for the internal usage.

Adding campaign title - WordPress Popup Form
Adding campaign title

Next box is Advertisement Items. Here we can add one or multiple banners. We are going to add one banner which contains promo text, a countdown that uses timestamp format of the time, and an orange CTA button with the link.

Adding banner content - WordPress Popups
Adding banner content

Next, we need to configure the campaign settings which are located in the Campaign - Options area. We are not going to review all settings here, just a few ones that are used in our use case. You can learn more about all settings in another use case: WP Popup Plugin (CMP) - Use Case - Adding Popups With Image, HTML and Video to Your Site

Basic Visual

First section is Basic Visual. Here we use the following settings:

Basic visual settings - Lead Generation Plugin
Basic visual settings
  • Type - We chose the Popup type.
  • Width / Height - Here we set the width and height of the banner (for the desktop devices).
  • Background image - Here we add a URL link for the banner background image which we uploaded the media library of our site in advance.
  • Shape - Here we chose the Rounded Edges of the banner.
  • Center content vertically / horizontally - Additionally, we can center the content of our banner.

Advanced Visual

In the Advanced Visual section we kept all settings default. These settings are:

Advanced visual settings - Popup Campaign Plugin
Advanced visual settings
  • Show effect - There are available a set of different show effects, we kept Pop-In.
  • Delay to show - We kept "0", which means that the popup banner will appear without any delay right after the page is loaded.
  • Show interval - We kept Every Time Page Loads, so the popup will be displayed every time the user visits the page.
  • Underlay type - This option allows to choose if to add an underlay, and if it should be light or dark.
  • Statistics clicks counting method - Allows to choose how to count the click for the statistics.


In the Activity section, the most crucial option that we use is Show on selected posts/pages/categories.

Activity settings - WP Popups
Activity settings

After the configuration, we can post the campaign by clicking the button Publish:

Publishing the popup campaign - WP Popup Plugin
Publishing the popup campaign

Now let's check the result on the front-end:

Front-end example - Timed Popup WordPress Plugin
Front-end example

Now let's change the banner and use different parameters for shortcodes. We will use a textual date and time forms "+5 DAYS", so every time the user reloads the page, the countdown will reset. We are also change the view layout using the parameter inverse="1". Regarding the CTA button - we will change it to a simple type, so it will be displayed as a link.

Alternative countdown and CTA in the banner - Best WordPress Popup Plugin
Alternative countdown and CTA in the banner

After saving the changes, we can check the result on the front-end:

Front-end example - WordPress Popup Form
Front-end example

End Result

Following instructions found in the plugin and guides, you should be able to create popups which contain countdown and CTA button.

Use Case Front-End

Example 1:

Front-end example 1 - WordPress Popups
Front-end example 1

Example 2:

Front-end example 2 - Lead Generation Plugin
Front-end example 2

More information about the WP Popup Plugin

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