WordPress Invitation Code - How To - Protect a Page and Subpages With One Invitation Code

How To Protect a Page and Subpages With One Invitation Code

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Let's consider a situation, when you have a page with subpages, and you need to protect them with one invitation code using the WordPress Invitation Code plugin.

Example of parent and child pages:

Parent and child pages - Members Plugin Restrict Content
Parent and child pages

A parent page has the following URL structure: your-site.com/parent-page/

And its child pages have the following structure: your-site.com/parent-page/child-page-1/

To protect them all with one code, you need to configure during creating a code.

Learn more, how to create an invitation code: WordPress Invitation Code - Creating Codes - Single Code

Find the section What is restricted and choose in Blocked Content the option URL/Page.

Blocking URL/Page type of content - Invitation Code Registration for WordPress
Blocking URL/Page type of content

In the text area lower you need to write URLs of pages you want to restrict. To protect a page and its subpages with one code, you need to write a URL of a parent page and add * at the end. 

Example: https://your-site.com/parent-page/*

Restricting the parent page with all related to it subpages - WordPress Content Restriction
Restricting the parent page with all related to it subpages

This way, all subpages will be protected by the same code.

If in the plugin settings the option Remember used code for user is enabled, the code that the logged-in user enters to one of the protected parent or child pages can be remembered. This way he can access the other pages that belong to this bundle of pages without need to enter the code for each of them.

'Remember used code for user' option - Private Content WordPress Plugin
'Remember used code for user' option

More information about the WordPress Invitation Code Plugin

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