Appointment Booking Calendar - Appointments - Canceling an Appointment as User

Canceling an Appointment

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What is This Feature

The Appointment Booking Calendar plugin includes the ability for users cancel an appointment.


The process is:

  1. User makes an appointment and receives a confirmation email with a link to the discussion form
  2. In the discussion form, the user clicks the Cancel Booking button

    Canceling the booking - Best WordPress Scheduling Plugin
    Canceling the booking
  3. User receives an email to confirmation cancellation. On it, there is a cancel link

    Cancellation confirmation email - WordPress Scheduling Plugin
    Cancellation confirmation email
  4. User follows the cancel link and confirms cancellation

    Cancellation confirmation - Appointment Scheduling Plugin WordPress
    Cancellation confirmation
  5. User receives another email confirming the booking was canceled

    Email notification about canceled booking - Event Booking Calendar WordPress Plugin
    Email notification about canceled booking


Email Template

There are two email templates related to canceling the booking:

  • After User Have Canceled The Booking - User Notification
  • Discussion User Canceled the Booking - User Notification

Learn more: Appointment Booking Calendar - Appointments - Email Notifications To User and Admin


It's possible to change the button label from the Label settings. Learn more about labels: Appointment Booking Calendar - Settings - Labels (Changing The Front-End Text)

Labels - WordPress Calendar Booking Plugin

More information about the Appointment Booking Calendar plugin for WordPress

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