WordPress File Manager Plugin (CMDM) - Categories - Overview

Categories - Overview

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The WordPress File Manager plugin comes with some handy features that allow downloads to be categorized into different groups allowing you to set different kinds of restrictions to your files, and notifications.

Adding a Category

To add a new category navigate to Admin Panel → CM Downloads Pro → Categories and fill-up the form and options:

  • Name - The name is how it appears on your site.

    Front-end example of the category name - WordPress Document Management
    Front-end example of the category name
  • Slug - The “slug” is the URL-friendly version of the name. It is usually all lowercase and contains only letters, numbers, and hyphens.

    Front-end example of the category slug - File Manager WordPress
    Front-end example of the category slug
  • Parent CMDM Category - Choose the parent category in the list if you want to create a hierarchy.
  • Description - The description is not prominent by default; however, some themes may show it.
  • Password for downloads in this category - If a password is set, all downloads in this category (without child categories) will be protected by this password.

    Note: If a download has been protected by the individual password then it will have a higher priority than the category password.

    Category password - WP File Download Plugin
    Category password
  • Restrict view access to chosen CDMD groups - Choose the user groups which will have access to this category. If no groups were chosen, then every user can view it.

    View access restrictions for a category - File Sharing Directory Plugin
    View access restrictions for a category
  • Allow uploading to this category only for chosen CDMD groups - Choose the user groups which will be able to upload files to this category. If no groups were chosen, then every user can upload. Also you can set the period of time that chosen user groups are able to upload files to that category.

    Download restrictions for a category - File Manager Plugin for WordPress
    Download restrictions for a category
  • Notify chosen roles or users groups about new downloads - Chose if you want the user's groups to be notified when new downloads are available.

    Enabling notifications - File Download Plugin
    Enabling notifications
  • Icon - Chose an icon for the gallery

    Category icon - WordPress Document Management
    Category icon

Managing Permissions For Each Category

Starting from version 3.17.7, it's possible to configure permissions for each category. To do that, simply edit a category and check the permissions settings.

There are three actions you can configure:

  • Allow chosen roles to view files in this category.
  • Allow chosen roles to edit files in this category.
  • Allow chosen roles to delete files in this category.
Category permissions settings - File Manager WordPress
Category permissions settings

Allowing Users to Create Categories

It's also possible to let users create categories when adding a download.

You will find the settings under Admin Dashboard → CM Download Manager Pro → Settings → Access and moderation → Allow users to create categories.

Allowing Users to Create Categories - WP File Download Plugin
Allowing Users to Create Categories

If the setting is on, users will see new options on the upload form, which include a text field to add the category name, an optional dropdown menu to set a parent category, and the add button.

More information about the WordPress File Manager Plugin

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