WordPress Two Factor Authentication (CMAUTH) - 2FA Methods - Email code

Email code

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Authentication Methods

Overview | Google Authenticator | Email Code | Email Link | Mobile Phone SMS

You can set the email template and the page to which the user will be directed after using the code.

To configure email template for Email code verification in the WordPress Two Factor Authentication plugin, navigate to Admin Dashboard → CM Secure Login Pro â†’ Email Code tab.

Email Template

The fields accept RTF, HTML editing and shortcodes. There are two fields:

Email code settings tab - WordPress 2FA
Email code settings tab
  • Subject for the email with code - You can use the following shortcodes:
    • [blogname] - Show blog name.
    • [siteurl] - Show site URL.
    • [userdisplayname] - Show user display name.
    • [userlogin] - Show user login.
    • [useremail] - Show user email.
  • Body for the email with code - You can use the following shortcodes:
    • [blogname] - Show blog name.
    • [siteurl] - Show site URL.
    • [userdisplayname] - Show user display name.
    • [userlogin] - Show user login.
    • [useremail] - Show user email.
    • [code] - Show the code that user have to enter on the login form. Important: the email body template MUST contain this shortcode in order to inform the user about the code.
    • [usertime] - Show the current time of the user. Note: this shortcode was introduced in version 1.8.2.
    • [userip] - Show the IP address of the user used for a login attempt. Note: this shortcode was introduced in version 1.8.2.
    • [userbrowser] - Show the browser info of the user. Note: this shortcode was introduced in version 1.8.2.

After Login

The user will directed to this URL after using the code. If it's left empty, the default WordPress admin link will be used.

After login redirection URL - WordPress Two Factor Authentication Plugin
After login redirection URL

More information about the WordPress Two Factor Authentication plugin

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