CM Business Directory Payments (CMBD Add-On) - Claim Business Payments Settings

"Claim Business Payments" Settings

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With CM Business Directory Payments add-on you can add the option for businesses to pay to claim existing listings.

To edit the plugin settings navigate to the Admin Dashboard → CM Business Directory → Settings.

Click on the Payments tab.

Here you can edit certain features, including those related to payments for claiming listings.

Claim Business Settings

This section allows you to enable or disable payments for claiming businesses. If you enable this feature, businesses won't be able to access a listing until they pay. 

If you enable payments for claiming businesses, you need to create a product and price associated with this type of payment. This can be done in this section under Easy Digital Downloads / WooCommerce Product Association. The following image shows an example with EDD:

Email Notification

There are also options to customize email subject and content sent to businesses who claim listings. Starting in version 1.2.3, you can enable or disable the notification by checking or unchecking the relevant box.

The first email allows businesses to pay for claiming a listing. This can be customized using placeholders {business_name}, {purchase_link}, {activation_page}.

The second email is a payment confirmation email sent after the business submits a payment. This can be customized with placeholders {business_name}, {code}, {activation_link}.

More information about the CM Business Directory Payments WordPress Plugin

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