CM Answers Experts (CMA) - Integration - ChatGPT Support

ChatGPT Integration

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This feature is available since the following versions:


The WordPress Questions and Answers and Answers Experts add-on support integration with ChatGPT. It allows to post automatically generated by AI answers to questions in certain categories. When users choose a category with experts, they can choose ChatGPT as an expert, and after posting the question, it will be immediately answered by ChatGPT.

Front-end Example

Example of the answer that was automatically generated by ChatGPT as an expert:

Example of the answer that is automatically generated by ChatGPT - Discussion Forum Plugin for WordPress
Example of the answer that is automatically generated by ChatGPT

Enabling ChatGPT Integration

First of all, you need to configure ChatGPT integration in the base plugin settings. Navigate to Admin Dashboard → CM Answers Pro → Settings → General tab → ChatGPT section.

Navigation to the ChatGPT integration settings - WordPress Forum Plugin
Navigation to the ChatGPT integration settings

Learn more about this process in this user guide: WordPress Questions and Answers (CMA) - Integration - ChatGPT Support

After configuring the general ChatGPT integration settings, you can enable it for the CM Answers Experts add-on.

Navigate to the Experts Addon tab. You need to turn on the option Enable Chat GPT expert under the Chat GPT section.

The option for integrating the ChatGPT feature with the Experts add-on - WordPress Question and Answer Plugin
The option for integrating the ChatGPT feature with the Experts add-on

It is needed in order to let users choose ChatGPT as an expert in certain categories.

When you finished configuring the settings, click the button Update at the bottom of the page to save the changes.

'Update' button - WordPress Forum Plugin
'Update' button

Assigning ChatGPT User As an Expert

Now we need to assign the ChatGPT User as an expert in the needed categories. Navigate to Admin Dashboard → CM Answers Pro → Categories and Experts.

Managing categories and experts - WordPress Discussion Forum
Managing categories and experts

Either while create a new category or editing an existing category, find the option Select Experts. You need to select Chat_GPT user. Then click Update to save the changes.

Assigning the ChatGPT user as an expert to the category - WordPress Q and A Plugin
Assigning the ChatGPT user as an expert to the category

Now when the user posts a question and chooses this category with ChatGPT as an expert, he will receive an automatic answer.


Check our detailed use case guide about how to configure the ChatGPT integration fot the CM Answers Experts add-on: WordPress Questions and Answers + Experts Add-on (CMAE) - Use Case - How to Use ChatGPT as an Expert and Automatically Answer User Questions

More information about the Answers Experts WordPress add-on

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