WordPress Course Catalog Plugin - Settings - Catalog Appearance (Choose View, Hide Elements)

Settings - Catalog Appearance

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To edit visual settings of the Catalog in the WordPress Course Catalog plugin, head to Admin Dashboard → CM Course Catalog Pro → Settings → Catalog Appearance tab.

Catalog appearance settings tab - WordPress Plugin for Online Courses
Catalog appearance settings tab

The settings are:

Choose View

Learn More About Switching Between Views

How To - Change the Catalog View (Tiles, List...)

Choose between:

Choosing the catalog view - WordPress Plugin for Creating Online Courses
Choosing the catalog view

A) Course Catalog View

This view has two levels. First categories - and, when clicking on one, courses for that category. 

Note 1: Since the version 1.3.4, if the category contains only one course, clicking on it will refer directly to the course.

Note 2: Since the version 1.3.10, it is possible to choose the view when the user visits a category. In the Catalog view option you can choose between:

Choosing catalog view - WordPress Course Catalog Plugin
Choosing catalog view
  • Tiles View
  • List View
  • List View 2
Course catalog view - LMS Plugin for WordPress
Course catalog view
Example of the course preview - LMS WordPress Plugin for Courses
Example of the course preview

B) Tiles View

Tiles view - WordPress Plugin for Online Courses
Tiles view

C) List View

List view - WordPress Plugin for Courses
List view

D) Table View

Note: This type of catalog view is available only in the Enterprise Edition of the WordPress Course Catalog plugin since the version 1.4.0.

Using the parameters of a shortcode [cmcc_course] , you can control displaying displaying columns CodeCategory and Custom Taxonomies 1-4 and time in the column Period Start Date. Learn more about the shortcode.

Table view - E Learning WordPress Plugin
Table view

1) Course Catalog View Settings

Course catalog view settings - WordPress LMS Addon
Course catalog view settings
  • Display empty categories - Display or hide empty categories.
  • Display rating - Display or hide ratings
  • Display course description - Display or hide the course description below its title
  • Display course categories - Display or hide each course categories below its title
  • Show details button - Display or hide the "Details" button in the course box
  • Choose the default category image - Add a default custom image to the course

2) Tiles View Settings

Tiles view settings - WordPress LMS Plugin
Tiles view settings
  • Courses in a row - Set the number of courses shown in each row of the directory index. The default is 3.
  • Courses paddings - Set a padding value (space around the image). Accepts px/pt/em/% units (e.g. "0.5em").
  • Image container minimum height - If you use small images, set a minimum height value to display image in the middle of the container. Accepts px/pt/em/% units (e.g. "220px").
  • Display title - Display or hide the course title below its image.
  • Display border - Display or not a border around each course.
  • Show details button - Display or hide the "Details" button in the course box.
  • Show first course period date - Display or hide the first course start date below the course name. Note: this option is available only in the Enterprise Edition of the WordPress Course Catalog plugin since the version 1.4.0.
  • Show week day for for first course period date - Display or hide a week day for the date below the course name. Note: this option is available only in the Enterprise Edition of the WordPress Course Catalog plugin since the version 1.4.0.

    Displaying week day - WordPress Course Catalog Plugin
    Displaying week day
  • Show course number on the overlay - Display or hide the course number in the overlay. Note: this option is available only in the Enterprise Edition of the WordPress Course Catalog plugin since the version 1.4.0.

    Displaying course number - WordPress Plugin for Online Courses
    Displaying course number
  • Show taxonomy - Display or hide the chosen taxonomy in the overlay: Categories, Tags or Custom Taxonomy 1-4. Note: this option is available only in the Enterprise Edition of the WordPress Course Catalog plugin since the version 1.4.0.

    Displaying taxonomy - WordPress Plugin for Creating Online Courses
    Displaying taxonomy

3) List View Settings

List view settings - LMS Plugin for WordPress
List view settings
  • Display alphabetical index - Display or hide an alphabetical index on the top.
  • Display separator line - Apply or not a separation line below each course.
  • Display rating - Display or not the rating for each course.
  • Display short description - Display or not the description for each course.

4) Category List

Category list settings - LMS WordPress Plugin for Courses
Category list settings
  • Display Category terms list - Show a category terms list.
  • Display subcategories in Category terms list - Display or hide subcategories.
  • Display Custom Taxonomy terms list - Display or hide custom taxonomy terms list.
  • Display Tag terms list - Display or hide tag terms list.
  • Display the category icon in the categories list - Display or hide the category icon in the categories list.
  • Change default category icon - Upload a default custom category icon.

More information about the WordPress Course Catalog Plugin

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