The add-on allows you to create new custom fields for your locations. They can be one of three types: single-line text, multiple line text, and 5-grade scale. This guarantees a wide array of possibilities.
Use Examples
Restaurant Review - Add the 5-grade scale fields "Cost-benefit", "Quality", "Service" and a multiple-line field "Review" to inform your readers about the venues you've visited.
Traveling Blog - Add the text field "Tourist Tips" to help fellow travelers. Then, add the fields "Accessibility" and "Best Time to Visit" for the complete service.
Journal - Add the text field "Best Memories" to locations that made a good impression on you.
And much more!
Using - Adding Custom Fields
Head to Admin Dashboard → CM Map Locations Pro → Settings → Custom Fields tab.
Custom fields settings
In there, you will find a table where you can create as many custom fields as you would like.
Adding custom fields
For that, simply click Add new field, and set:
Text label - The name the users will see.
Meta key (alphanumeric) - This only serves to help the add-on identify the custom field. It will not affect sorting.
Field type - Choose between:
Single-line text field - Text in a single line. Best for small text such as "Yes"/"No", telephone numbers, etc.
Single-line number field - A single line field for entering numbers. Note: this option was introduced in version 1.2.7.
Single-line url field - A single line field for entering URL. Note: this option was introduced in version 1.2.7.
Select (drop-down field) - Allows the user to choose a value from a list. Dropdown is good if you need to give a user options with very little space.
Radio field - The user can choose one options from two or more from the list.
Multi-line text area - Bigger area to write. Best for content such as analysis, impressions, lists, etc.
Multi-line html area - A multiline area that accepts HTML content. Note: this option was introduced in version 1.2.7.
5-grade scale - Ranking from 1 star to 5 stars. Best for ratings of any sorts, such as "Beauty", "Price", "Cost-benefit" etc.
Field values (only used for select and radio) - Values that you add to the list for choice.
Multiselect (only used for select and radio) - Enable this option so the user can choose more than one option from the list.
Note that custom fields apply to all locations - the ones you add on this page will be available when editing any location.
Front-end example of custom fields in the form for adding new location
Interface - What Users See
Editing a Location
When editing a location, the new custom fields will appear as soon as the place is marked on the map.
Editing the location "Colosseum" with the new custom fields "Beauty", "Highlights", "My Impressions", "Cost-benefit", "Tourist Information", and "Park Spot".
Example of filled custom fields on the location page
The image below highlights the new custom fields.
Custom fields with no value will not be shown.
Only filled custom fields are displayed on the location page
Interface - Label
The add-on has a single configurable label.
It can be found on Admin Panel → CM Map Locations Pro → Settings → Labels tab.