Appointment Booking Calendar - How To - Enable Time Credit for Specific Users

How To - Enable Time Credit for Specific Users

Note: this guide covers features actual for the plugin version 2.5.0.

Learn more about the Time Credit feature in this use case guide:


The Appointment Booking Calendar plugin allows users to book appointments using Time Credit - a certain amount of minutes which can be either added by the admin or purchased by the user. This feature works as an alternative for booking free or paid slots. This feature can be enabled either for specific users or for all users at once.

Enabling Time Credit for Specific Users

To enable the Time Credit feature specifically for each user, navigate to Admin Dashboard → Users → All Users.

Navigation to the page with all users - Best WordPress Scheduling Plugin
Navigation to the page with all users

Hover on the needed user and click Edit.

Editing the user - Appointment Booking Calendar
Editing the user

Find there the section Time Credit User Control and enable the option Allow Time Credit for User. A few new options will appear there:

Enabling the Time Credit feature for a user - WordPress Scheduling Plugin
Enabling the Time Credit feature for a user
  • Enter Time (minutes) - Choose the amount of minutes that you want to add or deduct from the user. You can choose between 15, 30, 45, 60 or 90 minutes.
    • Add Time To Credit - Click this button to add chosen amount of minutes to the user.
    • Deduct Time From Credit - Click this button to deduct chosen amount of minutes from the user.
  • Time Balance (minutes) - This field shows the amount of time that is currently available for the user. This value increases when the admin adds minutes or when the user purchases minutes, and decreases when the admin deducts minutes or when the user spends this time for booking appointments.
Adding and deducting Time Credit - Appointment Scheduling Plugin WordPress
Adding and deducting Time Credit
  • Time Credit Transaction Log - Click it to see the current user balance and the transaction history of operations with time credit. Example of the log:

Example of the Log

Time credit transaction log - WordPress Calendar Booking Plugin
Time credit transaction log


Alternatively, the admin can access this log from the list of all users, by hovering on the user and clicking Credit Transaction Log.

Accessing the log - Booking Plugin WordPress
Accessing the log

When you finished operations with the Time Credit, click the button Update User on the bottom of the page.

Updating the user - Event Booking Calendar WordPress Plugin
Updating the user

More information about the Appointment Booking Calendar plugin for WordPress

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