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WordPress Invitation Code - Settings - Advanced

Advanced Settings

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The WordPress Invitation Code plugin has a few options which allow to solve a few issue which may appear while using the plugin.

To find them, navigate to Admin Dashboard → Invitation Code Content Access → Settings → Advanced tab.

Advanced settings - invitation code registration for wordpress
Advanced settings

There you will be a few section with options.


Storage settings - wordpress content restriction
Storage settings
  • Storage type - This option allows to solve the issue when the user used an invitation code as a guest user and after that logged-in to your site. The options are:
    • Different storages for guest and user - In this case, if the guest user unlocked some content on your site using the invitation code, and after that logged-in to your site, the content will be locked for him, as the system will count it as another user.
    • One storage for guest and user after login - In this case, if the guest user unlocked some content on your site using the invitation code, and after that logged-in to your site, the content will still be unlocked for him.

      Note: this option was introduced in version 1.6.3.


Logs settings - private content wordpress plugin
Logs settings
  • Enable logs for Generated Paid Codes - Enable this option to track that codes which were generated and sold in the WooCommerce shop were successfully sent to the custom email. Note: this option was introduced in version 1.6.3.

Generated Paid Codes Logs

When the option is enabled, a new item will appear in the plugin menu - Generated Paid Codes Logs:

Generated paid codes logs menu item - restrict content plugin
Generated paid codes logs menu item

On this page you can see a table with the following items:

  1. Remove All Logs - Click this button to erase the log.
  2. Order ID - The column with ID numbers of WooCommerce orders which correspond to the generated invitation codes.
  3. Code ID - The column with invitation codes IDs which correspond to relevant WooCommerce orders.
  4. Date - This column shows date and time of when the code was generated, sold and the email was sent to customer.
  5. Email Sent - This column shows if the email with generated code was sent to the customer.
Generated paid codes logs example - wordpress register with invitation code
Generated paid codes logs example

More information about the WordPress Invitation Code Plugin

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