WordPress Interactive Map Plugin (CMML) - How To - Manage Locations on the Back-end

How To - Manage Locations on the Back-end

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The WordPress Interactive Map plugin allows to manage locations on the back-end.

To do this, navigate to Admin Dashboard → CM Map Locations Pro → Locations.

Navigation to locations - WordPress Interactive Map Plugin
Navigation to locations

There you will find a dashboard for managing locations with the following elements:

Dashboard for managing locations - Google Maps WordPress Plugin
Dashboard for managing locations
  1. Add Location - Click this button to create new location. You will be redirected to the front-end form for adding locations.
  2. Bulk actions - You can mark needed locations by checking relevant boxes and choose a bulk action in the dropdown - Edit or Move to Trash, then click the button Apply.

    Bulk actions - Maps Plugin
    Bulk actions
  3. Date filter - Filter locations by dates. Choose needed month and year in the dropdown, then click the button Filter.

    Date filter - Store Locator WordPress Plugin
    Date filter
  4. Search Locations - Seach locations by their names.
  5. Title - This column allows to sort locations by their names.
  6. Author - This column shows the location author.
  7. Categories - This column shows a list of categories that locations belong to.
  8. Date - This column allows to sort locations by the creation date.
  9. Latitude, Longitude - This column shows the location coordinates.
  10. Address - This column shows the location address. Note: this column was introduced in version 3.2.7.
  11. Location Actions - By hovering on the needed locations, you can apply to it the following actions:
    1. Edit
    2. Quick Edit
    3. Trash
    4. View
    5. Export

Additionally, above the table you can see the locations counters:

Number of locations - Maps WordPress Plugin
Number of locations
  • The total number of locations, and the number of locations grouped by their statuses such as Published, Drafts, etc.
  • The number of locations currently being filtered - it can be all locations, or filtered by date or search results.

More information about the WordPress Interactive Map Plugin

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